Thursday, January 7, 2021

The New USA

 If you did your civic duty and voted, I commend you. The most important thing a citizen can do is become involved in the well being of their community and nation. In a nation like the USA it is also critical for all people to be involved, everyone has a stake. It is critical for people to be well informed on the facts about which they vote. If people are misinformed they cannot make a decision based on facts or reality. In a free society you have to have courageous, objective independent investigative reporters. Reporters who understand and accept the risks associated with truth and cannot be bought. Freedom is not free. A free society requires clear and concise communication. A free society requires a great amount of honesty, respect, dignity, patience and kindness from the people to one another. A free society must hold wanton evil accountable and still be able to forgive an honest mistake. A free society requires a fair amount of sacrifice. A free society may require the ultimate sacrifice if in danger. A free society requires vigilance. 

 We are no longer a free society. Sadly while we were all enjoying our freedom at BBQs and at the beach and parties, concerts, Disneyland , fishing.....being free, evil people didn't rest and took advantage of the American peoples freedom and kindness. Communism, socialism, big industry and islamism have tirelessly worked to subvert this nation using the education system, politicians and the media. A good example of Big industry subverting education is history and social studies being set aside for computer technology, internet technology, that would be the high tech industry subverting a real education, thank you Bill Gates. Or professors in our most prestigious Universities teaching our young people hatred of the USA, love of socialism, communism, islamism, teaching that fascists are antifascists, good is evil and evil is good. Or politicians gutting the immigration law in 1992 to allow the scourge of islam into our borders. 

  There are always people, good people who are natural leaders, who are willing to give up their own endeavors to lead. There are also people who are naturally criminal and they also have a true desire to lead. Obviously not for leaderships sake or concern for the community, this is a way to steal and look dignified and respectable doing it. When the USA came to be there were more good then bad. Unfortunately that was over 200 years ago. Now the criminals have the reigns of our once great nation and they hate us and mean to destroy this nation.

  The USA has always had a two political party system( there have been  and are more but lets be real). George Washington said political parties were problematic. So here we are. I just said the criminals are in charge. We have the "Gutless Old Party" and the "national socialist democrats" (nazis, fascists, pigs). This is the perfect recipe for history to repeat itself, lets usher in 1930s Germany. If you cling to the democrat party you drank the kool-aid and you are now a fascist/nazi, plain and simple truth hurts oh well. If you cling to the GOP you are a coward, a gutless worm for not calling out their cowardice. The democrat party is stealing every right and every penny it can from the people to enrich themselves and garner control. IN YOUR FACE! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!? Worse yet the GOP stands silent USING THE NAZISFOR COVER WHILE THEY ENRICH THEMSELVES AND GARNER CONTROL! IN YOUR FACE! RASPBERRY! All of this done at our expense with our money. Look at your pay stub, when you do your taxes this year look at what they are stealing from you, to give to other countries, countries that hate us and vow to destroy us. Of course our money lines their pockets, then comes the money from China and Hi tech. The people no longer have representation. If politicians can steal and break the law.... well people put on your mask and get on your horse, "this is Ethan Allen calling the Green Mountain Boys"!!!!!


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