Well the mainstream media finally had to address the mosque at ground zero story because the President was goofy enough to endorse it and then unendorse it. I have been reading in all the mainstream papers the editorials and commentary. What is most striking about this issue is the absolute cluelessness our media( and the people of this nation) wallow in when it comes to islam. The talking heads all speak from a point of ignorance when it comes to history and islamic imperialism, they prefer to chastise the USA for its imperialism or other perceived offense against humanity. There are some speakers who offer some knowledge and understatnding, but those people are marginalized as "extremist", as though telling the truth were a bad thing( well in our politically correct nation, I guess the truth is not compatible with US values any longer).
I have stated this many times, we were given judgement to protect ourselves, to use judgement is not a bad thing. However, in this nation( as well as in Europe) using your judgement equates to bigotry, homophobia, islamophobia, sexism etc. To have an opinion that does not fall under the "feel good" moniker makes you liable as a hater, a racist or an extremist. The funny thing about all of this is the people making these accusations are actually doing the work for the haters, racists, bigots etc.
Should I not be worried about people who follow an ideology that basically states that because I am not a believer in their ideology I should be treated like rubbish or killed. Should I not be worried about an ideology that allows its followers to rape non believers, I have a daughter. Should I not worry about an ideology that allows its offspring to attack and harm non believers just because they are non believers, I have a son. Should I not be worried about my freedom of speech when all islam wants to do is halt all dialogue concerning critical inspection of what muslims say and do. If you think I am being critical look into "real history". You might be surprised to find out who really made slavery a business, you might be profoundly shocked when you realize that the Crusades were a defensive reaction after 400 years of islamic conquest and imperialism, you might be surprised as to who has the moral high ground when it comes to Israel and the so called "Palestinians".
This mosque is not about building bridges and dialogue with the USA and its people, it is a "victory mosque" plain and simple. This mosque serves no other purpose. Who does this mosque serve? In other words, how many muslims live in lower Manhatten? Is this just a way to draw more muslims into the area? For what purpose? This mosque is building a bridge alright, it is building a bridge for islamist to cross over to the US and have "legitimate " grounds for being here. Imam Rauf and his wife are well trained and groomed in the fine art of taquiyya( lying to advance islam). Rauf tells Americans he is doing this to help interfaith dialogue, then he flys to the Middle East and tells the media there that he does NOT believe in interfaith dialogue.
The honest truth is , if the mainstream media actually had journalists, not just check collectors, this story would have been out well before any permits and licensing had taken place. The group wanting to build the mosque would have had to address the issue with New Yorkers as well as the entire United States up front and honest. Alas, the mainstream media no longer has detective type reporters who feel it is their job to find these types of stories and let the people know. Now reporters answer to an owner who has a political agenda.
More truth is if we actually had leaders of integrity who love their country and what it stands for this horrific abomination would never have made it to the permit stage. Bloomberg is a jellyfish, watching out for his own empire of wealth, I wonder how much Saudi money he gets to play with. And Obama, like a true cultural muslim, tells his audience what they want to hear and as soon as he is out of ear shot changes his tune. Jellyfish? Lets not give jellyfish a bad name, they actually serve a function.
Do the people building the mosque have a right to do so? Absolutely. Is it in good taste? Absolutely not. Does building the mosque build a better relationship with the American people? You can only hope. When dealing with an ideology that wants to destroy your country, and is highly motivated to do so, hope is not a good starting plan. I would hope that if this abomination is built, that New Yorkers will do everything in their power to put muslim tolerance to the test including putting a gay bar next door( which is being proposed) , a pork packaging facility on the opposite side with several liquor stores and sex shops within sight and maybe a regional office for the "National Organization for Women" across the street from this vile building.
We will now see how this plays out nationally with all hands on deck, as it should have been from the start. My advice for anyone on the fence on this issue is to look at the behavior, don't listen to the kindly sounding soft spoken lies. Then educate yourself on what islam really is.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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