Sunday, November 15, 2020

The New Fascists

  To start with I never thought I would live to witness the United States become a National Socialist nation but it is beginning right now. I have written about the democrat party and its history often, it is sordid and evil. They were evil from the onset and have evolved so they can continue to oppress the very people they are supposed to represent. With all that is playing out you can see the democrat playbook quite clearly, unless you are historically challenged, which is the case with our youth.  

   The Trump administration was not beat by the election or the peoples will. The Trump presidency was ended by collusion between the high tech industry, China and the democrat party. Quite simply the software that has been used for the past 20 years has been manipulating election outcomes from the beginning. In 2016 the software failed the democrat presidential bid, now you really know why Hillary was shocked, she was probably told the same thing Joe Biden was told "don't worry we've got this". Somehow their play failed to the shock and dismay of all the fascists (democrats). This HAD to be corrected while distracting the American people and while attacking Trump for what they are ultimately guilty of. The democrat plan to change this nation into a socialist nation had just hit a brick wall.

  Shortly after the 2016 election an entourage of people went to the Hunan laboratory where the COVID-19 virus was developed. This group of people included Bill Gates and Dr Fauci, the same Dr standing next to the president during the "pandemic". They were there to have the virus developed and released before the 2020 elections. Many would say "but the pandemic is world wide and not limited to the USA". Absolutely correct, if it had been released only in the USA in 2020 it would have been obvious what was going on. In political terms it is called "plausible denial",we all know evil people have no qualms about killing or hurting innocent people as long as they get the power they covet. 

   So in 2019 the virus was released into the world with one goal, to disrupt the United States of Americas election process. The faux pandemic was now the tool to end the administration, all the fake collusion trials were merely initiated to keep Trump from getting "too much done". The virus ultimately came down to this, the democrat party knowing their software "could potentially" fail them and their bid for power pushed very hard in the last two months before the election to for mail in ballots. So now they had control over both the software and the mail in ballots. Election rigged. Election done.

  To be clear the virus was just the final weapon, the democrat party fielded their version of the Nazi SA in the form of "antifa" and "blm". people seeing this violence on the news and then hearing these are peaceful protests became confused due the outright lies the main stream media told.  So you have a media who foster and nurture fascist behavior, behavior driven by the democrat party, financed by George Soros. It is unfortunate for all of us that these evil people are now at the helm. Their plan is to ruin this great nation much like Europe has been ruined by politicians. One example of the ruin of Europe....for 1400 years Europeans fought and died to keep the muslim hoard off their continent because they knew the evil these people brought. Angela Merkyl opened the door and rolled out the red carpet for this human feces now look at what is happening in every land forced to accept this filth. Thjs is the dream of the democrat (Nazi) party. 

  So through violence and subterfuge the democrat party has taken control, just like Hitler. Now we have the new nazis , the new fascists.