Monday, March 23, 2009

Looking for Work? Try the Self Serving Industry

If you are looking for work I have a great suggestion. There is an industry that is looking to grow. It is already huge. They claim they are going to need at least 200,000 more people over just the next few years. They claim they have had the same head count of employees since 1960, this definitely sounds like an industry ready to grow! Lets find out more about it!
QUESTION; What industry in the world spends more money then it has and stays in business? What industry produces absolutely nothing and remains viable? What industry sells off proprietary rights( sovereignty) and remains viable? What industry sells off it's future and continues to grow? What industry rewards crime and punishes honest hardworking citizens? At what industry can you get paid for poor arithmetic skills? Where can you get paid to write jibberish? Where can you get paid to steal from the poor and give to the rich.
ANSWER: Politics. This is the must have job of the future, albeit short term. You are paid and rewarded for being dysfunctional( not personally ,politically). It is amazing how so many well educated, enlightened people enjoy the dysfunction of politics. There are some great perks, cheap travel, free meals, good pay, lobbyists money, oops , I meant endorsements, fame or infamy if you prefer. Maybe you just love your country and are willing to sacrifice. Your sacrifice; not watching or manning the watchtowers, not managing the peoples money or business, lying, stealing from our children, being AWOL in times of crisis except to relieve the population of its' money. Telling illegal immigrants that they are true heroes when we have men in uniform dying overseas. Yes you can say anything and be sure since "you know better" that the lowly masses will never question your authority. This job has it all. Wealth. Your constituents are your cash flow, keep them believing and you will continue to see cash flow. Power. You can lord over all in your serfdom, force them to do your bidding if they want a cut of the pie. Sex. Young pages ambitious and eager to do whatever it takes to move up the food chain.
Yes there will be future employment in politics, short term , but profitable if you have no conscience. When you fail or get caught doing something illegal or immoral you can just say " I was just doing my job". You can hide ill gotten gain in your freezer and never go to jail, heck you will probably become head of the ethics committee.
That's the job plug for now. Usually I say if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Not in this case, if it sounds like your cup of tea, hook up with your local political party.
One more jewel of the industry, if you don't like the country you live in, politics crosses all borders. If you don't like it here, you can rip off the people of some other country! Just move there and become a citizen!
Seriously now though, I know not all politicians are bad. I know many really want to make a difference. Many come to politics with visions of helping their community,county, state and country. Unfortunately the machine of politics is greater and stronger than many men and women's ability to fight temptation. Power, money. Money, power . Greed. Truly the only really "good" men and women in politics get out. They find out politics is "just a job". The men and women that make a career out of politics see a well paying "job" with great perks and retirement. They don't have to produce anything. They don't have to succeed at anything. They don't have feel any obligation to the people. All they have to do is the time. They don't have any accountability and there is weak oversight. If there are shortfalls they scream to the people "Send more money!"
Now you know what job to get so get out there and get your career started, What are you waiting for?