I was born in Germany, specifically Lower Saxony. I became an American citizen not because I had to in order to blend in or assimilate, you can't tell now and you would have never had any idea years ago that I wasn't American. No I became a citizen because I love freedom and hate oppression. 30 years ago you could literally see oppression on the horizon. The government began changing laws that protected the nation into toothless jokes that have put the nation at risk. I was compelled by a strong sense of freedom to become a citizen and help vote oppressors out. Sadly it appears while were at the BBQ, swimming at the beach the oppressors kept working on their plan, conquer and divide. The United States has become a fractured, polarized society. Why?
Back to my ancestry and some history. Just like most Indo European peoples populating Europe the Germanic tribes originated out on the steppes of central Asia. They domesticated horses, initially for food, to ride and conquer and so they did. Northern Europe became their territory. Germania was never a united empire, Germans are warriors and those people are very difficult to unite. Difficult but not impossible. When Rome began advancing on Europe it started with Gaul. When Gaul was finished Rome turned its desire onto Germania. Due to the Germans independent fifedoms it didn't take long to take over Germania. The Romans were able to utilize bribing , kidnapping and other subterfuge to keep the German tribes spears pointed at each other. Divide and conquer.
One of the downfalls of not understanding peoples love for freedom and how strong it can be has always been the downfall of despots and despotic regimes. You can put a lid on a pot of boiling oil, you can use force to keep that lid on but at some point there is going to be a problem. It will start with leakage right up to explosion.
The Romans were in the habit of taking German kings and leaders children into captivity, this gave the Romans some confidence that the tribes would behave. The Romans took full control of Germania in 94 BC. One child who was taken to Rome was given a Roman name, Arminius. As Rome had always done, captives were taught to be Roman citizens. Boys generally were drafted into the legions where they were taught all of the ways of war. Arminius became a stellar Roman citizen, out of necessity not desire, he was always a German warrior inside. Arminius actually became an adviser to Varus, the commander of all legions in Germania. When Arminius saw an opportunity he took advantage of it.
Arminius was able to unite enough tribes using their unified hatred of the oppressing Romans to set up a situation in favor of the Germanic tribes while advising Varus. There were 11 legions in Germania, a revolt in the Balklands forced the Roman emperor Tiberius Agustus Caesar to send 8 legions into those territories to end the uprising. Opportunity knocks once in a while. Arminius was not some vassal of the empire, he was a German warrior who loved freedom and his people.
Arminius reported a rebellion in the eastern part of Germania that required Varus attention. Varus responded by leading the three remaining legions toward the supposed uprising. The night before leaving camp Arminius excused himself to "try to get German tribesmen together who would march with the Romans", Arminius actually got to his warriors and told them where to position themselves. Arminius returmed to camp. Arminius was actually allowed to lead the legions even after Varus was warned by a tribal enemy of Arminius that Arminius was a traitor. The German tribes destroyed all three legions to the extent that the Romans never made any real attempt to take Germania back again. Rome held Germania for a total of 15 years. Never capitulate to oppressors, fight.
There are oppressors in our world. China, Islam, North Korea, these ideologies will never be happy with the world unless they take out the freedom loving United States and its citizens. Right now China and islamic despots are pouring money into the hands of the people we have tasked with keeping our nation sovereign and functioning. These politicians have chosen money over the nation and its citizens, by definition sedition. They have chosen to tow the CPP and islamic line of dividing us for take over. Although every democrat is a national socialist democrat, the gutless republicans should be treated no differently then the fascists. Sadly this has gone so far now there are only two options.
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