So in honor of our Heavenly Father and in memory of my brother in law Destry Gegg who passed away late Monday night August 19th 2013, I am posting on my blog ( something I posted about back in 2007, Gods name is a blessing!!
I ask “Do you know Gods’ name?”. The typical response is Uhhhhh or God Almighty or Lord Almighty or Lord God Almighty, some people who actually have read their copy of Scripture or bits and pieces of it might say “ I AM” and in translating the the verb( Gods name is actually a verb!) they would be correct, but that is not His name. Some say Jehova. I say that can’t be for their is no “J” in Ancient Hebrew, which means we have to address the name of the Messiah and Savior Jesus as well, in a moment. No “J” no Jesus, No “J” no Jehova.
In Ancient Hebrew there were no written nouns only place holders that let you know that phonetically there was a noun there. Gods name written in ancient Hebrew is YHWH so with the placeholders changed to nouns scholars are secure in pronouncing his name YAHWEY. As I said his name is a verb, and in most copies of scripture they translate it “ I AM”, but more fully and correctly translated it is “ I HAVE BEEN, I AM AND I WILL ALWAYS BE”. Interesting since every name I know is a noun. Appropriate however for the creator of the universe.
Now what about Jesus, well his real name is...pardon my spelling Yahshua/Yeshua. Yeshua is what most scholars will tell you is the correct spelling. Yahshua/Yeshua means “Yahweh saves”. Appropriate for a creator who loves his creation and wants us to overcome death by visiting us in the flesh as Yeshua. Our Father got a first hand view of our plight, he knows and understands, he empathizes and sympathizes, he compassionate, he loves us. His love for us is true and does NOT bind, he has given us the freedom to do and choose as we please.
Before I get too far from the names of the Father let me address the “Holy Spirit”. The correct translation from the Dead Sea Scrolls is “SET APART SPIRIT” ( Ruach Kodesh) The translation is not really the problem although I have a problem with the word “holy” at a personal level. My problem is with the fact that the word RUACH in its use is feminine, is it possible that the one who dresses us in the garments of white/light has a feminine nature much like a mother? I have no answer for this. We aren’t supposed to know everything?!
The adversary, another name to learn, his name is Lucifer, he is the Ha Satan, Ha Satan means the accuser, the adversary. I’ll bet Hollywood had you thinking satan was actually his name, bad bad society. Satan is really just a title, just like lord or god. How do we reconcile reading Scripture and coming across the phrase “My name is Lord God Almighty”, those aren’t names at all, they are all titles. Every church you go to, the pastor/preacher/father/holy dude will use that very phrase and more just like it, excusing it because it is in the written Bible. Its tradition. Tradition is the problem. Look a bad translation can be very significant in understanding what the author really intends to get across, the story gets messed up. Add some cowardice or ill will, like the holy men and women who do not teach the truth even though they know it. Now you don’t have a messed up story, now you have a deadly toxic brew. I say deadly toxic because this is not some novel Stephen King penned( no disrespect intended), there is life and death at stake.
If you have not read The Old and New Covenant from Genesis to Revelation I recommend you do. If you don’t understand it the first time, do it again and keep doing it until you do. If you run into something you don’t understand find someone who does understand scripture, which you probably should do anyway, there are still people who know and teach the truth! If you can’t find someone who understands it, find a friend and research it together. You will be very surprised at what you thought was in there and what really is. You will be surprised at all you have been taught by those good folks at the church. Todays clergy likes to teach a “topical Christianity”, in other words take certain writings from scripture and apply them to a so called modern teachable topic. I am sure that might be ok on an occasion, but that is not how scripture should be taught regularly. Expository teaching is the correct way, starting at the beginning and working your way to the end, in depth.
I realize I seem a bit harsh when I write about the spiritual leaders of the Judeo-Christian community, again life and death are at stake here, no reason to pull punches. See what I write about islam and you’ll see harsh, and deservedly so.
Here are some questions for your “teachers” and again I am being harsh because you and your loved ones souls are at stake here.You want real teachers. My hope is they are really teachers and are able to show you the way. You will know by how they answer your questions, if they answer them at all !
Q1.If you know the Fathers name and the Saviors real name why don’t you teach using them?
My answer;
I honestly can’t help here, I have no idea why someone would withhold an important truth such as His name, in the Old Covenant he states My name is Yahweh, my name is a blessing. His name is used 7000 times in scripture Why withhold a blessing from the heavenly Father to his flock when you supposedly represent Him. Open the introduction to your bible there is always some acknowledgement to the fact that they have changed Gods name as it has become tradition, a tradition they have chosen to continue along with the clergy. Slavery is a tradition and it continues to this very day. The people that withhold the truth enslave the gullible with lies, and then the gullible are swallowed by death.
Good luck with their answer!
Q2.His name is changed 7000 times in scripture to Lord, God and Lord God Almighty, Why?
My answer;
Initially it is believed to have been changed by the Masoretic Jewish scribes in order to keep the name Yahweh from the Jewish peoples enemies, makes sense. Still it wasn’t right. Jesus name is even more difficult to reconcile, I realize that translating languages is difficult and much can and is lost in the translation, often. I am bilingual( German and English) and also took Latin for 4 years so I am familiar first hand. I just can’t see how you get from Yeshua to Jesus just phonetically alone? I guess it takes time. I mean you are really changing someones name. That is the equivalent of changing Sven to Bob. If you follow the etymology(study of language translation) you can kind of see what happened, but to me it is still inexplicable because you still have to pronounce the name and Yahshua does not sound like Jesus. In the first two editions of the King James Bible the name was spelled Iesus (Yay-sus) which shows that there was some phonetic part of His name left in memory, but that changed with following editions going with Jesus, very traditional.
Q3 Before I present this question I always have to explain that I am NOT a seventh day adventist, Jehovas witness, Mormon etc. I am a non denominational believer!
Where in the Old or New Covenant does Yahweh or Yeshua change the Sabbath from Saturday( the 7th day) to Sunday( the 1st day)?
My answer;
Nowhere. There are those who like to argue about what Paul did and said and when he did and said it, using normal gatherings where prayers were held and monies collected as some precedent. Paul was Jewish, he worshipped on Saturdays, he writes he kept the Sabbath. This is my personal answer, show me, in Scripture. Unless Yahweh or Yeshua instruct us to through scripture who cares what Paul said or did ( No disrespect towards Paul, he is a great example of a Believer, ). Look at it like this, your supervisor(Paul) says take the rest of the day off so as your walking to the time clock the plant manager(Yeshua) sees you and says he needs you to fix a pump, who do you listen to? Do you want to keep your job? Life or death? I am not saying we are under the Law, I am just saying the Law has never changed. Some people like to argue the Law was nailed to the pole, but it was the Word that was nailed to the pole. The Savior says so himself in the New Covenant, he came to affirm the Law not deny it. So even if someone would like to extrapolate on Pauls’ writings until the cows come home it won’t change the facts as written. Pauls writings should probably have not been included in Scripture, his letters were intended for specific groups of people or individuals and his writing can be a very confusing read, my opinion.
Q4 How about some of the Commandments, lets ask about some of them;
Thou shalt not kill.
My answer;
Think about it for a second, do you think someone who loves you would leave you unarmed to wolves? No. The true translation to this commandment is clear, Thou shalt not MURDER. The Father knows there may come a time where you have to kill for food or even to defend your life, he is not going to allow you to die. The politically correct crowd loves to abuse this commandment.
Thou shalt not commit adultery
My answer;
Yes cheating on your spouse is bad. It exposes a flawed relationship or someone with poor character or drug and alcohol abuse or any number of other human foibles. Back in the days of small agricultural communities where everyone depended on one another an adulterous affair could have devastating consequences on the community, even destroying the community.
The Commandment has more to do with cheating on Yahweh then cheating on your spouse. Cheating on the Father means joining any one of hundreds or even thousands of “Mystery Religions”. Mystery religions entice people in with promises of good and love and peace and before the victim knows it they are part of a religion, often a religion with the blood of innocent people on its’ hands by design. Many religions you cannot back out of under penalty of death, just like the Mafia! Religions that distract you from the relationship you should be having.
The mystery religions were started by Semi-Ramis the wife of Nimrod, the first great ruler after the Great Flood in the Old Covenant. Remember the Tower of Babel? People always think the Father was cruel or jealous or petty when he forced upon the people different languages. It had nothing to do with being petty and everything to do with preventing the fast spreading mystery religion, which was destroying souls as fast then as it does now. See Mithraism, islam.
An easy way to distinguish the Fathers desire for relationship and a mystery religion is that nowhere in the Scriptures does the Father teach that murder and violence are virtues. Nowhere is lying taught to be acceptable. Nowhere in the True Scriptures from our Heavenly Father are we taught to indiscriminately murder, yes in some of the Books of Moses and Joshua( Yeshua) the Jewish people are told to totally wipe out complete populations. On the surface this may seem cruel, from a military stand point it may seem practical in preparing an army for the brutality of war. The truth, if you read closely, is that the people living in Canaan were “walking their children into the fire” for molech ( see allah, baal, beelzebub, satan,etc.) which is just another way of saying they practiced human blood sacrifice. They sacrificed their children to an evil entity. It still goes on there today, when they strap bombs to their children and then hand out candy after the child has been obliterated killing innocent people. It would be interesting to see if any clergy have the courage to address that topic!
Mystery religions try to counterfeit the relationship Yahweh wants to have with you. Apparently evil may not be a genius but it is clever enough to attempt to copy or imitate. It is clever enough to know our weaknesses and exploit them. Think about this, back in the times of the Prophets and the Apostles and then right up to about 300CE people that taught the Word had day jobs, religion is just a gig. Just like politics.
This is where money gig begins, it begins with the word Church. Church is translated from the Greek word Eklessia. Eklessia doesn’t mean some million dollar religious complex or religion, it means “called out gathering”, in other words all the people called out by our Savior ”Yahshua” to follow him, he calls everyone! By name! If you are not in by birthright you are in by being “called out”, you are grafted on!. You don’t have to walk into some special building to love our Father and Savior or to be blessed by him!
Thou shalt not use the name of Yahweh in vain....
My answer;
Everyone seems to think this is about the phrase “God Damn it” or some other foul use of of his name or likeness in verbal expression. Yes it shows disrespect, poor taste, it shows an inability to express ones self clearly, it sounds stupid etc. Its not about poor language skills. This Commandment should have every clergyman and clergywoman shaking in their robes. The Commandment has everything to do with misleading his people to their death. If you are not teaching the truth or you are teaching for profit or status or just to “keep your gig”, or even worse, purposely teaching lies for profit, don’t worry about death, your place is a place of “ eternal anguish and gnashing of teeth”.
I believe there are a fair number of clergy who really probably do not know the things I just wrote about. But I am very sure there are a large number of these so called shepherds of the community who know they are withholding the truth and are purposely doing so for; Status, Tradition, Position, Prestige, Money, Tow the Company Line( Whos’ company?).......fill in the blanks. What I am saying is even if they don’t want to “rock the boat” by teaching the truth openly from the pulpit of the church, if there was even an ounce of courage and good in them they would visit their congregation at their homes and point them in the right direction in private, but they don’t. So are they really doing Gods work?? Or are they doing the adversaries work??
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it set apart
My answer;
I have already addressed this above with a question. So let me expand a little.
I would like all reading to know that Emperor Constantine had a heavy hand in changing the Sabbath and “Christianity” between 300- 325 CE. His desire seems to have been to separate the “called out assembly”( Christianity) from its Jewish roots, for whatever reason. To worship on Saturdays was a death sentence in the empire. If you do your research you will see that Constantine was no real friend to the true called out assembly, he blended “Christianity” and “Mithraism” into the religion of the Empire. He called it Christianity, but then Jim Jones called it Kool Aid. Both did more bad for believers than good. Lets look at one of the great Christian symbols, the cross. I don’t believe it has anything to do with Christianity.
I believe the cross came about two ways, first artistic license with the “ IN RI” sign placed above the Saviors head , look at all of the old paintings of the crucifixion, the artist extended the pole to accommodate the sign when in fact the sign was put above the saviors head in some fashion, who knows how, but we can be sure that the Roman soldier who posted it above Yeshua did not magically extend the main pole.
Second, the cross is a symbol from Constantine as well, he saw a cross in the sky prior to a victory on the battlefield at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, some say it was a dream the night before the battle, on the cross was written “In Hoc Signo Vinces”( with this sign you will conquer). So Constantine was under the impression he had been given divine providence when in fact he was hearing from the Evil one.
If you look at the word used in Old Greek Scripture “stauros”, this word actually means pole, not cross. I believe the Greek “Stauros “(Upright pole) was replaced by the Roman “Crux”(Cross) under direction of Constantine.
If you do a brief study about crucifixion you will see that no crucifixion ever involved a cross. Crucifixion has a pole in the ground and a post that hold the victims arms that is fit across the top of the pole in the ground, so the weapon of execution looks more like a T than a cross.
According to scripture we are all Abrahams children, both Jew and Gentile, Abraham was both Gentile and then Jewish and our Father made a Covenant with Abraham. So then there are really three covenants, the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant is the Old Covenant, Mosaic refers to the Mosaic laws or the laws of Moses.
Remember, Yahshua said that the commandments could be combined down to two when asked which commandment was the most important. Love thy Heavenly Father with all your might and soul and Love thy neighbor as you would yourself. The first five Commandments actually combine down to Love thy Heavenly Father, Commandments 6-10 combine down to Love thy Neighbor. If you take a look at the Commandments and read them it is obvious that our Savior knew what he was talking about.
Check out Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:7
1:26 And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
2:7 And
Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Two creations? Interesting. Not sure about this one. Anyone have an answer?
Here is one I hear “Christians” say often: You don’t need to read the Old Covenant only the new Covenant is pertinent”. Nothing could be further from the truth. One affirms the other, that is just how it is. That is why I suggest reading from Genesis to Revelation. Over and over until you get it. Anyone teaching that only the New Covenant is relevant is not coming from an educated foundation. They are misleading because they were probably misled themselves. It all matters, read it all.
I am going to miss you brother!!
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