Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blackberry phones, Islam and Freedom

So the United Arab Emirates is demanding that RIM( research in motion), the parent company of the Blackberry phone, make e-mails and other activity of the user accessable to the government. Of course only despotic states would demand something like this. Up until now RIM has maintained it would not do this.....up until now. Now there are more players involved, you see when numbers bear down, companies will eventually capitulate. Welcome Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and China into the fray. How much of a chance do you think RIM has against these giants. These countries know if they get enough numbers threatening RIM, RIM will give in.
This is how islam is attempting to change the world, through numbers. The 57 member Organiztion of Islamic Countries( OIC) has been playing this game for a while now. With their voting bloc they are attempting to do to the world what these few countries are doing to RIM. One of the biggest issues in the world for the OIC is the blasphemy law they have been peddling to the UN for years now. They want to make it illegal to make disparaging remarks about their religion, you see, they say it will protect all religions, but islam is the only religion named in this bill. Wait until your freedom of speech is taken away, Obama would do this in a heartbeat if given half a chance.
So freedom to islam is not something to be cherished, it is to be used to subjugate. Whether it be RIM or the world makes no difference, islam will impose itself.
Wake up world.

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