Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Mosque in the Lime Light, Finally

Well the mainstream media finally had to address the mosque at ground zero story because the President was goofy enough to endorse it and then unendorse it. I have been reading in all the mainstream papers the editorials and commentary. What is most striking about this issue is the absolute cluelessness our media( and the people of this nation) wallow in when it comes to islam. The talking heads all speak from a point of ignorance when it comes to history and islamic imperialism, they prefer to chastise the USA for its imperialism or other perceived offense against humanity. There are some speakers who offer some knowledge and understatnding, but those people are marginalized as "extremist", as though telling the truth were a bad thing( well in our politically correct nation, I guess the truth is not compatible with US values any longer).
I have stated this many times, we were given judgement to protect ourselves, to use judgement is not a bad thing. However, in this nation( as well as in Europe) using your judgement equates to bigotry, homophobia, islamophobia, sexism etc. To have an opinion that does not fall under the "feel good" moniker makes you liable as a hater, a racist or an extremist. The funny thing about all of this is the people making these accusations are actually doing the work for the haters, racists, bigots etc.
Should I not be worried about people who follow an ideology that basically states that because I am not a believer in their ideology I should be treated like rubbish or killed. Should I not be worried about an ideology that allows its followers to rape non believers, I have a daughter. Should I not worry about an ideology that allows its offspring to attack and harm non believers just because they are non believers, I have a son. Should I not be worried about my freedom of speech when all islam wants to do is halt all dialogue concerning critical inspection of what muslims say and do. If you think I am being critical look into "real history". You might be surprised to find out who really made slavery a business, you might be profoundly shocked when you realize that the Crusades were a defensive reaction after 400 years of islamic conquest and imperialism, you might be surprised as to who has the moral high ground when it comes to Israel and the so called "Palestinians".
This mosque is not about building bridges and dialogue with the USA and its people, it is a "victory mosque" plain and simple. This mosque serves no other purpose. Who does this mosque serve? In other words, how many muslims live in lower Manhatten? Is this just a way to draw more muslims into the area? For what purpose? This mosque is building a bridge alright, it is building a bridge for islamist to cross over to the US and have "legitimate " grounds for being here. Imam Rauf and his wife are well trained and groomed in the fine art of taquiyya( lying to advance islam). Rauf tells Americans he is doing this to help interfaith dialogue, then he flys to the Middle East and tells the media there that he does NOT believe in interfaith dialogue.
The honest truth is , if the mainstream media actually had journalists, not just check collectors, this story would have been out well before any permits and licensing had taken place. The group wanting to build the mosque would have had to address the issue with New Yorkers as well as the entire United States up front and honest. Alas, the mainstream media no longer has detective type reporters who feel it is their job to find these types of stories and let the people know. Now reporters answer to an owner who has a political agenda.
More truth is if we actually had leaders of integrity who love their country and what it stands for this horrific abomination would never have made it to the permit stage. Bloomberg is a jellyfish, watching out for his own empire of wealth, I wonder how much Saudi money he gets to play with. And Obama, like a true cultural muslim, tells his audience what they want to hear and as soon as he is out of ear shot changes his tune. Jellyfish? Lets not give jellyfish a bad name, they actually serve a function.
Do the people building the mosque have a right to do so? Absolutely. Is it in good taste? Absolutely not. Does building the mosque build a better relationship with the American people? You can only hope. When dealing with an ideology that wants to destroy your country, and is highly motivated to do so, hope is not a good starting plan. I would hope that if this abomination is built, that New Yorkers will do everything in their power to put muslim tolerance to the test including putting a gay bar next door( which is being proposed) , a pork packaging facility on the opposite side with several liquor stores and sex shops within sight and maybe a regional office for the "National Organization for Women" across the street from this vile building.
We will now see how this plays out nationally with all hands on deck, as it should have been from the start. My advice for anyone on the fence on this issue is to look at the behavior, don't listen to the kindly sounding soft spoken lies. Then educate yourself on what islam really is.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Buraq and his Ramadan Message/Prior to his Stupid speech

Lets see what the apologist in chief told muslims. To be sure it is much like the Cairo vomit of 2009, just not as long and as detailed. This president does not need a long statement in order to taste shoe leather. I will post the speech first and then we will look at it line by disgusting line. My comments are in italics.
Here it is, right from the whitehouse website;

Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan

On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God. This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country. And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.

May God’s peace be upon you

On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem.

Ramadan Kareem? Nice.

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God.

Responsibility to one another? Like flotillas of hate, murdering 10 innocent people HELPING POOR MUSLIMS, luxury malls in Gaza, murdering Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc.,building a mosque of HATE at ground zero, yea there is a whole lot of responsibility going on in the muslim world. Thanks, but no thanks.

This is a time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere.

Uuuh, advancing opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere? Exactly what everywhere is he talking about, Thailand where Buddhists are routinely murdered by muslims, or maybe Afghanistan where those who help the poor are murdered for being non-muslim, or maybe Pakistan where Christians are routinely accused of blasphemy( insulting mohammed) and murdered, or maybe Egypt where Coptic Christians are machine gunned down in front of their churches, how about Jordan where an honor murder gets a nudge nudge wink wink from the law, or Turkey who to this day denies the genocide and atrocities it has committed in the name of islam, how about CAIR attempting to litigate any critics of islam into silence, how about the muslim student association in the Southern California University that shouts down speakers in order to prevent freedom of speech, how about....

Mr.President, we have a problem with perception.

For all of us must remember that the world we want to build – and the changes that we want to make – must begin in our own hearts, and our own communities.

Yes, the changes you speak about wanting appear to be attempting to turn the United States of America into an islamic rubbish bin, like Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan etc. Well why not , the USA is not an exceptional nation, ask Buraq he'll tell you.

These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.

Hahahahaha, please, justice? Progress? TOLERANCE? Dignity? Buraq, put down the crack pipe

Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.

Diversity, yes. Racial equality, well , not exactly, what do the muslim authorities say about racial equality?

Ishaq:243"I heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom." [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"
Ishaq:144"A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, 'You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. 'I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out."
Qur'an 9:97"The Arabs of the desert are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger."
Tabari II:11"Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks. Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African's color would change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks."
Tabari II:21"Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them."
Tabari IX:69"Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah's Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us."
Bukhari: V9B89N256"Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.'"
Ishaq:450"It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah's army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent."
Ishaq:374"The black troops and slaves of the Meccans cried out and the Muslims replied, 'Allah destroy your sight, you impious rascals.'"
Bukhari:V4B52N137"The Prophet said, 'Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into paradise], his intercession will be denied.'"

And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.

Huh? What are we making up history as we go. What did muslims contribute to the birth of this nation? Nothing. What did muslims do to help build this nation? Nothing. Name a muslim leader in the USA from the birth of the nation up until apologist Keith Ellison arrived. What muslims contributed to the Civil War? The Spanish American War? World War I? World War II? The Korean War? The Viet-Nam War?The first Gulf War? Now they have been involved in America, in big ways, since 1993. Our president is an Anti-Semite, a racist, a muslim apologist, he hates the USA, he is as seditious and gutless a leader ever known to this nation. Why do I call Obama Buraq and not Barrack, because Buraq was muhammads donkey.

And today, I want to extend my best wishes to the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world – and your families and friends – as you welcome the beginning of Ramadan.

I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.

May God’s peace be upon you

This president is the biggest willfully idiotic leader this nation has seen. Of course the next day the tune was changed about what was said in this speech. The United States of America has had no leadership in almost 2 years, it does not appear we will have any for at least 2 more years.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The State of the State of California

The fun just never seems to stop. California just cannot seem to pass a state budget on time. Who do you blame? Is it the governor? Is it the state legislature? Is it the people? What? It has become increasingly obvious that the problem lies in the state legislature. Please understand that I do not believe that there is a difference between democrats and republicans, whether national, state , county or city, neither is getting the job done. These purposely hapless dimbulbs care about one thing and one thing only, keeping their gig. Yes that cushy job with all the great benefits and perks. They want the money and the benefits, they don't want to actually have to do something for it. The solution is always "send more money", you never hear "we are making cuts". These chuckleheads have created a society of entitlements, they make promises that cost money so they can be elected, then they complain that there is not enough money for their promises, then the promise disappears from their dialogue. What does come out is that they "got theirs"!
Now we, the people of California, have to hear things like this; In order for the state to function with no budget we will have to make cuts in services, there will be furloughs of state employees and the state will be issueing IOUs. Nice.
What is worse is, we the people of California, are now forced to hear about the desperate plight of state workers. Why, being furloughed once or twice a month, these poor people cannot make their mortgage payments, car payments or buy food. So a judge struck down the furloughs, that was the judges ruling August 9th. That is a full blown insult to the people of California who get up every day, go to their jobs and pay their taxes. The fact is that state workers, much as government representatives, are paid by the people who actually GENERATE wealth through their daily endeavors. State workers and representatives do not generate money, even though they pay taxes.
Having said all that, I am absolutely disgusted with hearing the plight of state workers. Last year (2009) when the poor, abused state workers were taking a 10% hit in pay( based on furloughs) people in the private sector were being laid off or as in my situation taking a 25% pay cut. Yet all the news reported was how the poor state workers were suffering needlessly. So having a cushy overpaid job, with great benefits and a retirement plan people like myself can only dream of, at my expense, is suffering. I have news for the people, we are being taken for all we are worth. I believe it is about time people understand their function. If you work for the state you must understand that your money comes from the people, if a recession of depression stagnates income, thus depressing revenue for the state, your job SHOULD be in peril. These people should be thrilled to take a furlough over what happens in the real world.
Finally, yet not least, working for or representing the state is a noble endeavor. It should be an honor to serve the people. If you work for the state you should understand that there is risk due to economic downturn. To work for the state you should want to and be prepared to serve the people, not force the people to serve you and then still whine about it. As far as this judge goes, for slapping the people of California, he should be fired, no severance, no benefits.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Our President

The United States of America is being lead by a professional community organizer who does not love America or what it stands for. President Buraq Obama is no leader. He is a campaigner, he does love himself, he is an anti-semite, he believes he knows better what the people need than the people do themselves. Why is this man in the position to lead a nation he does not care for.

Lets face it, if the president had lengthy exposure to a muslim nation during his formative years, he probably saw and heard anti-Americanism and anti-semitism, probably in an off hand acceptable fashion. Fast forward to his long term membership in Reverend Jeremiah Wrights' congregation, a reverend who hates the USA, who is anti-semitic and is proudly loud and vocal about it. Years of exposure to these attitudes have made our president a man who does not love the USA, and his undignified treatment of Israel, in behavior and policy, show him to be a "Judeophobe"
How does this president approach everything? Like a cultural muslim. I am not saying he is a muslim. I do not believe he is. What I do believe is that this man does not see the USA the same way most citizens who love their country do. Having seen him ram a bill down the peoples throat against their will, remove all hint of islam or islamism from the national security dialogue, taking states to court who legally vote in laws within the borders of their state, spend, spend, spend, talk, talk, talk, campaign, campaign, campaign, talk, talk, talk.
The USA is an exceptional nation, but if we allow this president to continue this non sense without challenging him, he will be emboldened to continue his charade instead of actually doing what the people hired him to do. He must stop the appeasement of islam. He must surround himself with critical thinking individuals who love the USA and will listen to the citizens. These are things he should have done two years ago, he didn't because it wasn't that important to him. He doesn't have to remind himself that he hates what the USA stands for, it is part of the fabric of who he is, he probably really believes he loves the USA, he probably does not think he is an anti-semite, yet his behavior betrays him.
That is the point, when you have been conditioned in one way of thinking your behavior will follow right along. Obamas actions highlight his contempt for freedom, his contempt for Israel and his joy over imposing on Americans his way. America, we need a do over, fast.

American Exceptionalism

I am an immigrant, here by choice, legally. I am here because this nation, the United States of America is an exceptional nation. It was built by people who desired freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom from tyranny and freedom to pursue happiness. The people who built this nation worked hard to build it. That is not to say some mistakes, some very bad mistakes, were not made. When dealing with the human condition, nothing is ideal, even when the goal is.

Slavery was a mistake, a bad one. The Viet-Nam war was a mistake. The Iraq invasion was a mistake based on a lie. There is a list of mistakes the USA has probably made. The truth be told, this country with all its' mistakes is still the most generous and helpful country on the earth. When other nations experience disasters the USA is always on scene, usually first, see Pakistan and its' current flooding. The citizens of the USA are the primary contributors of funding for the UN, which in turn , puts the worst human rights violators in key human rights positions. The USA shares any technological break throughs, that do not compromise national security, to enrich other countries. The people give time and money for charitable service every year. Yet our very own president tells others we are no more exceptional than any other nation.

The USA is an exceptional nation, but if we allow this president to continue this non sense without challenging him, he will be emboldened to continue his charade instead of actually doing what the people hired him to do. He was elected to protect the Constitution, the people and the nation. What he has done is go around the globe on an apology tour that does not seem to have an end. Obamas years under the reverend Jeremiah Wright have taught him to hate the USA and what it stands for, should anyone be surprised by the fact that he is pitching the USA. How did this person become president, it defys reality.

When the leader of a nation does not think his nation, his people and their endeavors are exceptional, he will guide with that in mind. Watch where the US is headed, Bush was bad, this is worse. The USA has lost its' standing among other nations. At one time the USA was THE exceptional nation, we can be that again. We just need to elect a leader who leads based on his love for his country.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Same Sex Marriage Ban Overturned

The Washington Post is reporting that a judge in California has overturned the ban on same sex marriage. If this is true it is another strike against freedom. The voters of California have twice voted against this and each time the Gay and Lesbians have not been able to accept the truth or the reality thereof; Californians do not believe in same sex marriage in enough numbers to change the vote.
Now the gays and lesbians are litigating to get there way under the guise that their civil liberties are being denied. Rubbish. In my earlier post I stated how freedom will be lost, due to small groups demanding special status. Here we are. The voters votes don't count, so is this a free society. Not any more. I would like to thank every gay and lesbian backing this atrocity for eroding the freedom of this nation, this is setting a precedent.
Let me be clear about this, this is NOT a civil rights issue. This is an issue about a minority group demanding the majority kow tow down to their beliefs. They want favored and special status, they don't care about right and wrong. The two couples whining about their civil rights being infringed upon are self absorbed, selfish babies who don't care about anything except having their own way, regardless of what their community says. Sad, sad, sad day for freedom in America, for the rule of law, for the American voter. The judge deserves to go the way of politicians.

Blackberry phones, Islam and Freedom

So the United Arab Emirates is demanding that RIM( research in motion), the parent company of the Blackberry phone, make e-mails and other activity of the user accessable to the government. Of course only despotic states would demand something like this. Up until now RIM has maintained it would not do this.....up until now. Now there are more players involved, you see when numbers bear down, companies will eventually capitulate. Welcome Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and China into the fray. How much of a chance do you think RIM has against these giants. These countries know if they get enough numbers threatening RIM, RIM will give in.
This is how islam is attempting to change the world, through numbers. The 57 member Organiztion of Islamic Countries( OIC) has been playing this game for a while now. With their voting bloc they are attempting to do to the world what these few countries are doing to RIM. One of the biggest issues in the world for the OIC is the blasphemy law they have been peddling to the UN for years now. They want to make it illegal to make disparaging remarks about their religion, you see, they say it will protect all religions, but islam is the only religion named in this bill. Wait until your freedom of speech is taken away, Obama would do this in a heartbeat if given half a chance.
So freedom to islam is not something to be cherished, it is to be used to subjugate. Whether it be RIM or the world makes no difference, islam will impose itself.
Wake up world.

The Circus Never Ends

...and here we go again. 60% of California voters voted for Proposition 8 in 2008, which re-enforced marriage between a man and a woman. This is the second vote on this subject in less then 10 years, with the outcome being the same, no same sex marriage. Yet I am already hearing about polls that show Californians would vote it in today. Polls were taken prior to the two votes that showed Californians were open to same sex marriage, yet both votes showed different. So here is just another group, much like islam in America, that demands special rights and privileged status.
When I talk about freedom slowly being eroded, this is what I am talking about. Small groups who demand special status and if they don't get it they will litigate until the opposition either capitulates or is out of money to defend itself. The amount of money spent on these litigations is perverse. The fact that groups like this don't care about the financial impact this is having on their communities is as bad as their lack of understanding that in a free society, that bases laws on the vote of the people, when the vote is over the people have spoken, period. The people said no, the gay and lesbian community cannot accept this, so they will strain the people, the courts and themselves to see their selfish ideals through.
I understand that gays and lesbians have had a tough journey through life, with the name calling, the insinuations, the cruel and callous people they have encountered in their lives. As a believer in love and forgiveness I can only imagine how tough it has been for them. Having said that, this is their journey, and their journey has taken them here. Here is California, where 60% of the voters said no to same sex marriage. If you don't like the outcome, show the voting people of California that they should change their minds through deeds, lobbying, educational events etc, not morally and financially expensive litigation. I personally do not believe in same sex marriage, but if the people allow it, hey this is a secular nation( although grounded on Judeo-Christian principles) if the people say OK, well then OK. Render unto the gays and lesbians what the people say! Up until now the people have said no.
Where will this all end? Ultimately with the destruction of a free and pluralistic society. No it won't be the gay and lesbians fault, although they are making their contribution. Our freedom will be taken away by our continued back peddling from the truth. The truth is that as a society we are now tolerating the intolerable to prove we are tolerant, which will lead to our demise. Gays and lesbians are not destroying our nation alone, their approach is being used by many other minority groups who demand our society accommodate them. The United States are slowly fracturing under the constant pressure from small groups of people seeking special status. Being in America, with its' freedom is not good enough for some groups. I would suggest they take a breath and think about where they would have it better.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Privileged Elite

In order to maintain a free society leaders must be of excellent moral fiber. They must be people who want to serve their community. What we have now are representatives who want to serve themselves. Remember when congressman Jefferson was found to have over $90,000 hidden in his freezer, it was bribe money, his excuse was he was keeping it fresh( not really).
Now we have Charlie Rangel being charged with improper financial disclosures, not paying taxes on $600,000 worth of income( Oh come on, whats a little oversight like $600,000) and using his position as congressman to solicit money for his private endeavors( Oh come on, whats a little conflict of interest, he's a congressman for crying out loud). The congressman used his office time and official congress letterheads ,stamps and envelopes to solicit money for his community center, named after him of course. So how would an elitist react to being charged for these things: "Oh come on, these things are not true".
The man was only going to be reprimanded? If any other citizen had attempted this they would be looking at jail time and a substantial fine, not a reprimand. Shame on Rangel, shame on congress. Oh but it doesn't stop there.....
Now we also have Maxine Waters, another life long pig at the trough of public money. Of course the money is not enough and this is not about serving the community, it is about serving Maxine Waters. Well Mrs Waters found that in late 2008 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were being helped by the government because they had taken a beating in the real estate meltdown. Mrs. Waters called Hank Paulson, who was Treasury Secretary at the time, and set up a meeting with some of the minority bank owners in her district who were concerned about the real estate situation and how this would impact them. Paulson sent Treaury people to meet with Mrs. Waters and her concerned bank representatives. It turned out only one bank was reperesented, the bank that her husband had been on the Board of up until a few months before this. More damning, though, was that her husband had investments in this bank of up to $1,000,000. Before the meeting she ran all of this by Bernie Frank, also a congressman, who told her to leave it alone, she didn't and now she has been indicted.
How nice it must be, to control the purse strings of America. Hey, if things go wrong I can always game the system, you see I am privileged, I am a congressman, not just some ordinary citizen. Rangel has been in office for 40 years, Waters has been in for 20 years. You see the pattern. I am comfortable in my position, nobody can take it away from me, I can do whatever I want and no one may question me.
I believe there are many more of these stories, they just have not seen the light of day. These people just happen to have been caught. What does that say about our nation. To me it says we are in peril, if a person loves money , power and wealth this much, what would they give for it, our nation, our freedom. These people are seditious, the people who want to "reprimand " people of this low moral code should be tried themselves. Why not replace these people with people who really care about the USA and will do the peoples work? Send the pigs feeding from the trough back to their respective pens.

The Idiots in the Main Stream Media

I found this article in the Washington Post, in the "On Faith" section. It boggles the mind to see people writing about things they have no understanding of. Ms. Thistlewaite has obviously never read the quran or the associated writings( hadith, sunna). It is disturbing to see how the main stream media makes proclamations about things they do not study or know about, knowing people rely ion them for information. My comments are in the parenthesis between lines.

Is fear of Islam the new McCarthyism?
By Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite

Religious freedom and the right of free expression are the strongest source of power Americans have for combating radicals who use Islam as the excuse for their violent extremism.

(The extremist do not need excuses, they are taking their directives from the quran and its' associated writings.)

The struggle with such extremists will not, indeed cannot, be won with military force, but through the power of our values.

(The same values they respected so much when they brought down the World Trade Center?)

If there is a "narrative" abroad in the world that justifies violence against the West because the West "hates Islam," the way to correct that narrative is with the practice of our cherished ideals of religious freedom and tolerance for diversity of opinion.

(The "Narrative" is the quran, it teaches its' followers not to tolerate other religions, ideas or opinions.The notion that the west hates islam is just that, a notion, but a notion is all islam needs.)

Instead, however, conservatives such as Newt Gingrich want us to reject not only violent extremists, but also Islamic ideas, especially ideas on religious law, that is, Sharia law.

(The writer is obviously ignorant of sharia. Sharia is the racist, sexist, intolerant, hateful, ignorant law of islam. Under sharia this writer would be barefoot, pregnant and beaten, legally.)

Gingrich believes that Americans are "at risk" as a nation, not only from the violence of a "militant Islam," but also from the cultural integration of Muslims in the West.

(Islam does not integrate, it is not here to share, it is here to conquer)

The latter he calls "stealth jihadists." A close historical parallel, Gingrich argued in a lengthy address to the American Enterprise Institute entitled America at Risk: Camus, National Security and Afghanistan, where he is now a senior fellow, is the struggle with aommunism.
Almost, but not quite. The total approach Gingrich is proposing has a better historical parallel in McCarthyism.

(McCarthy went after people who denied any wrong doing, mostly. Gingrich is just pointing out what islam tells us to our face.)

McCarthyism has come to mean making charges of disloyalty or even subversion without regard for adequate evidence.

( There is plenty of evidence showing islam in its' true light)

In his address, Gingrich offered a lot of anger and fear, but very little actual evidence to support his claims about Islam and the West, or even his claims about the ineffectiveness of President Obama's approach to National Security. Joseph McCarthy, as is well known, was a Senator from Wisconsin, who used his position as chairman of the Committee on Government Operations and its Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to launch investigations designed to document charges of Communists in government. His often unsubstantiated charges, and the so-called "blacklists" that were created, suppressed American traditions of political dissent, and cultural creativity for many years. McCarthy was censured by the Senate on December 2, 1954, for behavior that was "contrary to senatorial traditions."

(The comparison to McCarthy is a not relavent. The communists in this country were not blowing up buildings, attempting to kill our troops here and abroad, they were not imposing their laws on the US. They were not killing their children over honor, they were not attempting to ignite bombs in their underpants, in airplanes full of people. The communists were not killing our troop at deployment centers, or setting bombs at Time Square. Should we blacklist muslims? Of course not. If they want to support his nation, fully, why should they be blacklisted. The truth is that most muslims are loyal to islam first, that is the beginning of the problem, a problem this writer appears to gloss over with accusations of McCarthyism)

But it is not the career of McCarthy himself that provides the best historical example of the political power of anti-Communism. Historian Rick Perlstein, in his book Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America, describes the way in which the "the politics of anger," including anti-Communist fervor, were employed by Richard Nixon. Nixon, junior Congressman on the House Un-American Activities Committee, recognized how popular anti-Communism could be as a political platform and employed it to eventually be elected president.

(Now the accustion of "the politics of anger", as though any American has no right to be angry about what islam is attempting to do to this nation. I believe a reasonable amount of anger is justified. Again, islam is not in America to make nice, until islam divests itself from its supremist doctrine, it should be scrutinized in detail)

It is, of course, more than likely that the tactics used by the HUAC were sometimes replicated by the Nixon White House and resulted in the Watergate Scandal that led to Nixon's resignation.
Gingrich, perhaps best remembered for his ethics troubles, his resignation from his House Seat and as Speaker of the House, and his confession of an extra-marital affair, is now moving to the religious right, as well as further to the political right. Gingrich says he will "consider" a 2012 run for the Presidency, and clearly this national security address that focuses on an "Islamic threat" is an opening gambit in that effort.

(It is fine that the writer wants to slam Gingrich, morally he is dubious. What about the rest of the Americans who see the same thing and are not morally dubious, I guess they don't count and of course this article could not have been written without some western person to slam, Newt was an easy soft target)

Conservatives are very divided over national security, argues Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress. In light of that, an all-pervasive "Islamic threat," it seems to me, can look like a very attractive, politically unifying strategy. This is a cardinal tenet, in fact, of the politics of anger. People divided about their own constructive approaches to an issue can become united in the face of a perceived outside threat, as was the case for Nixon and Communism.
Violent extremists are a threat. That's not a fantasy. But why single out the idea of Sharia?

(Because sharia is hateful, racist, sexist, intolerant, icompatable with democracy and pluralism, incapable of allowing freedom of expression or religion... do I need to continue?)

I personally also disagree with adopting Sharia law in democracies such as we have in the U.S. and have said so, repeatedly.

( The first sign of sanity in the article)

But to make what is a debate over ideas into a dangerous threat posed by Islam to the West, instead of focusing on violent extremism, is to make Islam itself a vague and yet all-pervasive threat in very much the same way that McCarthy made even general leftist ideas into a threat to national security.

(Until muslims reject the supremist doctrine, reform their approach to their doctrine, islam is a security threat)

What is dangerous about the McCarthyism of conservatives like Gingrich is that making ideas in Islam into the threat, they risk fueling the very narrative about the United States "hating Islam" that violent extremists use to recruit young people. The only way to combat those who would use hatred of Islam as a reason to attack the United States is to actually practice our American values of religious freedom and political inclusion.

( There is nothing non-muslims can do to combat the ideas of islam, they are written in their holy book, only muslims can change their ideas, the author is being very misleading about what can be done. Islam is not open to debate, one cannot have a meaningful dialogue with people who, by directive, can lie to you. Islam does not want to be questioned, so for me to say the writer is "misleading", is me being nice.)

Newt Gingrich peppered his national security address about the threat of Islam with references to famous figures who fought Nazism as well as communism, though not Nixon. He quotes Harry Truman several times, but he does not quote Truman on the dangers of targeting ideas rather than acts in regard to fighting the threat of Communism.

(Fighting ideas is one thing, the chasm at ground zero is what happens when islam gets an idea,)

In 1950, Truman vetoed the McCarran Internal Security Act, and wrote this about his veto: "The basic error of these sections is that they move in the direction of suppressing opinion and belief. This would be a very dangerous course to take, not because we have any sympathy for communist opinions, but because any governmental stifling of the free expression of opinion is a long step toward totalitarianism. There is no more fundamental axiom of American freedom than the familiar statement: In a free country, we punish men for the crimes they commit, but never for the opinions they have." (Italics added)

(So now we cannot critically look at islam, but we can beat up Newt Gingrich for his educated opinion on islam. The writer has a little bit of McCarthyism going on herself!)

There's another historical figure who was not featured in the Gingrich address, but whom we who venture into the media would do well to emulate: Edward R. Murrow, the famed CBS newscaster and analyst, who took on McCarthy and his tactics. On March 9, 1954, Murrow said these words that rebuked forever those who would use fear to manipulate our political processes.
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember we are not descended from fearful men--not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular."
Let's remember who we are as Americans who cherish religious freedom and value political dissent. It is the strongest source of our power as a nation. We should value Islam as a part of the American fabric of religious diversity, debate its many ideas in the public square, and not be afraid to do so.

(Honor killing girls and blowing up buildings must be dissent, the chasm where the World Trade Center once stood is apparently not enough evidence, murdering innocent soldiers at Fort Hood is apparently not "disloyal". Until islam shows that it wants to integrate into the fabric of the democracy and pluralism that the USA shares, it will not be accepted as is.)

By Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite August 1, 2010; 3:13 PM ET

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is a weekly show on current topics relating to National leadership and National security. Join us every Thursday night at 8:00pm Pacific time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosque

Audio Mic and myself have been having a running discussion on this topic. My take on this is as I have stated on blogtalk radio, the mosque is a symbol of islamic victory over the USA. The Temple Mount has a the dome of the rock, the Cathederal Sophia in Turkey was changed to a mosque, the cathederal in Cordoba was changed to a mosque. There is a pattern here. When islam conquers, it destroys any legacy of the former peoples or their traditions.
If this is supposed to be a "bridge" to interfaith dialogue, it is a one way bridge to islam. Imam Rauf and his cohort wife, Daisy Khan, are very well versed in the islamic tradition of taquiya ( islamic sanctioned lying to forward islam)They throw out terms like "inter faith dialogue" and hope that no one takes a hard look. The imam states one thing to our leaders and then heads over seas and says the opposite.
The main street media is in collusion, not once did any media outlet make the ground zero mosque a story prior to all the permits and licenses being issued so the mosque could be built. NBC made it a story on the day of the vote of the "landmarks commission". Why? Ask Daisy Khan, she was "suprised at the controversy". Yes if Americans had been made aware of this at its inception, it would have received the same attention it is now getting and the project would never have made it to any permit or licensing boards, let alone the light of day. The main street media has been bought by Saudi Oil money. Now the media lies for islam, all the time. I believe this mosque will now be built, against American citizens will. Our leaders are gutless shills for islam. Buraq Obama wants this mosque built. If he did not it would not be built. Micheal Bloomberg wants it built. If he did not it would not be built. On and on, get it?
In closing I would like to say that in America, the US in particular, freedom of religion is a mainstay of freedom. Muslims who actually care about the US should be allowed to build a mosque, just like any other religion builds churches, temples etc. Having passed all legal hurdles the Cordoba House has every right to be built, even with people objecting to it. But, if this were really about interfaith dialogue, if it were about building bridges between faiths, if it really were about righting a wrong, these people would show the sensitivity it deserves and not build the mosque at this location, but islam is about conquest not dialogue and we are infidels( kuffars).

!!Blogtalk radio alert!!

This Thursday, July 29th at 8:00pm Audio Mic and myself will continue the discussion on freedom and how it is being usurped by foreign entities with the help of our useful idiots in the government. This week we will discuss some of the tactics being used to change the landscape of freedom, using freedom to destroy freedom. China uses money to lobby, islam uses money to buy people in order to implement their pathetic sharia. If this continues people who love freedom will be sorely disappointed. We will be discussing the use of religion and religious tolerance to kow tow down corporations, city , county and state governments into changing rules to favor one group over another. My take, if you come to this country it is upon you to assimilate, not for this nation to accommodate. If this does not work for you, go back to the country of origin and make that country live up to your expectations, otherwise get in, sit down, buckle up and shut up. Unless you are being openly and blatantly OPPRESSED you have nothing to complain about.

The Sovereignty of the USA

Well there you have it. Another judge has decided that the people don't know what they want. The Arizona law that was to keep illegal immigrants at bay was so watered down by the judge as to be basically useless. I am sure Obama did a slam dunk in the oval office. Our leaders are more worried about offending foreign entities then the people who elect them. I am an immigrant( legal), I am required to carry my "alien card" at all times and must be ready to present it upon request of law enforcement. If only I were illegal, I wouldn't be burdened with the technicalities of the law of the land. How is it that the non leaders of this nation can condemn a state for wanting sovereignty of its' borders and treat illegal aliens ( note the word ILLEGAL)as though they are American heros(see Nancy Pelosi). Our borders are being breeched every day by non United States citizens. The argument is always "these are poor people looking for a better way of life". First, not everyone crossing illegally is looking for a better way of life, many are from nations hostile to the US and freedom. Second, how do you explain to the immigrant who did everything by the book, waited his or her turn in line, that the way they came to this country was really nice, but not a requirement. What do you tell the legal immigrant looking for a better life that his job is gone, but illegals are still employed within the borders of this nation. We have sick , delusional leaders who couldn't care less about their constituents. They bend over backwards for illegals, they kow tow down to our enemies while arrogantly setting aside the desire of their own constituents. The best thing the citizens of this country could do is get in their trucks with pitchforks and torches, drive to Washington D.C and get the idiots running this nation in a line, tar and feather them and then put them on a garbage barge and set them adrift. My only regret would be for the garbage, having to put up with these chuckleheads.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Elephant in the Room !!alert!! on Blogtalk radio on Saturday at 8:00pm

Short notice I know. I have been trying to keep it regular on Saturdays, and Immigration is the topic. Call in and lets talk about how you feel about immigration and how it should be handled by the government. The call in number is 646-929-1086. I will not be on next Saturday the 14th.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Gentile on BlogTalk Radio 4/3 8:00pm

On Saturday April 3, listen to the Gentile and his co-host(s) discuss Health Care reforms passage. Was it democratic? Was it morally correct? Lets talk!8:00pm -9:00pm

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are You Serious?

Are you serious? Our President had the Israeli Prime Minister at the White House to discuss new housing being built in East Jerusalem. There is no compromise over 20+ apartments being built in East Jerusalem, so the president excuses himself. The President leaves the Prime Minister and tells him "let me know if anything changes" and goes to a private part of the White House to have dinner. No photos, no showing of appreciation for a staunch ally, total disrespect. Not a dignified moment. Should anyone really be surprised?
Lets face it, when you listen to an anti-semite like Jeremiah Wright spew forth his venom every week for years you tend to pick up a few things. Of course you wouldn't keep going to listen to a hate monger unless you believed in what he was talking about. Obama really is without excuse.
The apology tour through Islamic lands showing his love and respect for Muslim leaders, bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, telling them what a bad nation we have been was vomit on an epic scale. Historical lies, insults and all to please muslims. Why? First of all their doctrine( the quran, sunna and hadiths) is evil because it teaches racism, sexism, prejudice, violence and murder are good and virtuous etc. The men who killed 2900 Americans were muslims. I could go on and on. In Obamas eyes these are the people to support.
Obama is a liar, not unlike many politicians. Obama holds hatred for the Jewish people in his heart, you can see it every time he has to deal with Israel. Because Israel will NOT bow to his "superiority" he treats them to cutting the military support we give them and giving their enemy( and ours) new weapons and arms. Yes Obama is arming Islam while trying to make Israel vulnerable. Maybe there is something in all those "writings" he did in the university, maybe that is why they are inaccessible now. At best Obama is seditious, truly hating Israel is hating America. We are a Christian nation, regardless of what comes out of his mouth, which ties us to Judaism. Loving an ideology like Islam shows he is NOT a Christian. He shouldn't be kissing their posterior, he should be confronting them and their behavior, not Israel.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First the Fix, now the Lie

So we are now being led to believe that an executive order is going to stop tax money from being used to perform abortions. Is the president being sincere or is this a ploy,perhaps to placate the pro-life movement? Maybe Obama does love the United States of America. Maybe he is as pragmatic as many claim. Maybe he is a "uniter". Maybe he will set an example and do what he knows is good and proper. Maybe? Maybe.
Bart Stupak made a good show of being the champion of the unborn. He caved in. Instead of taking his lumps for what he KNEW was right, he chose the path of least resistance. Either Stupak was pressured or he is stupid. Can you imagine what kind of pressure had to be applied to this man and his future in order to garner his vote. Obama HAD to have Stupaks vote, Stupak was the holdouts ring leader. Then all of a sudden Obama got an idea, or maybe it was Pelosi. They told good old Stupak that they would cover him with an executive order, he went for it. He will now and for the rest of his life be the poster boy for ending one of pro-life movements greatest achievements, no government funding for abortion.
The executive order promising that no federal funds will be used for abortion is utterly useless, the president can revoke it as quickly as he signs it. The order is judicially unenforceable. An order cannot confer jurisdiction in the courts or establish any grounds for suing anybody in court. An executive order cannot trump or change a federal statute.
That means all those maybes are nots. You see, Obama being a constitutional lawyer, knew he was pitching Stupak a useless piece of paper, political cover to help press forth HIS legacy. Sadly, Stupak knew this himself. Stupak, a Catholic, was told about this several times by the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops, according to an article in the Washington Post.
So the health care bill was passed based on lies and deception purposely used to mislead the American people.Obama thinks Americans are stupid. The people were lead to believe this scenario of a good representative standing his ground and a president concessing to the representatives principles, thus we have an acceptable and honorable solution. Ultimately, Stupak locking his office and shuting off his phones speaks for itself.
Funny, 24 hours before the vote Obama said "We are not bound to win, but we are bound to be true. We are not bound to succeed, but we are bound to let whatever light we have shine." So now lies are virtue and the American people do not matter. There is no light in a lie even if you "win". A president who cares more about "winning" cannot care about the people or principles. A president who puts on a show to deceive the people speaks for itself. Barak Obama is NOT pragmatic, he is a politician, a very good politician.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Fix Is In

Well the politicians have done it. They have passed a healthcare bill against the peoples will. Yes, for every person who wanted this bill to pass, two were against it. Let me be flip for a moment; Aren't we supposed to be a representative government? Of course we are supposed to be, but that would be inconvenient for the grasping,covetous fools who are supposed to take their constituents will to Washington. The truth is we have leaders who expect us to elect them to their positions for the sole purpose of living above and beyond the means of their constituents. They do not represent the people.
We are losing jobs, the countries infrastucture is falling apart, we have porous borders and all these elected officials can think about is their "legacy". Yes when these parasites look back they will see that they brought "change". The change you say? Government without representation. King George found this to be a problem. Will the louts running this country now find out like King George did? Probably not. The reason these people are getting away with pitching freedom and democracy onto the rubbish heap is because the people are allowing it.
Prior to the vote, a work collegue of mine lamented on his blog how there were people dancing in the streets, overjoyed that the healthcare bill was floundering, he found it to be cruel for people to be happy over people without health care. I agree. I also see something worse, now we have people dancing in the street over the passage of the healthcare bill. What they are really celebrating is beyond all reason. What our government has done is kicked Lady Liberty squarely in the gut and now the people are dancing around her as if this were good. This will not be the last kick liberty will be forced to endure under this administration. Ladies and gentlemen, this may be news to you: WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, when Lady liberty got kicked, so did the people, our "representatives" are just as the name implies. They are not listening. They don't care. From the president down these people hate representative government, which means they hate the United States of America. We are not on a slippery slope, we just went over the edge. I picture Lady Liberty laying on the ground dying as our representatives stop life saving measures in order to hold her hand and say" there, there,... there, there". Our representatives are pigs at the trough.
My greatest concern is that the precedent has been set. Now the government can go behind closed doors, set policy and inform the people of their decision. No input from the people. Whats next? Amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens in order to change the demographic? Restrictions on freedom of speech? Freedom for sale to the highest bidder? Let me be frank, if this kind of government is allowed to continue people without healthcare won't have to worry about healthcare because the people who will be taking over won't care about healthcare, the environment, freedom, human rights etc. Money dictates, the people holding our money are our enemy. We are so deeply in debt, it is hard to believe that a financial burden like this bill is actually "reducing the deficit". I can hear our non representatives and their logic stating "we keep spending and spending and we are still in debt, how can that be?" Enjoy the moment you who wanted this bill, for a moment is what it will be. For the rest of us, prepare for the worst.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Honey, Who Are You Going to Believe?

So the phrase begins. "Honey who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?", that is what the husband says to his wife who just caught him having sex with another woman, red handed, hand in the cookie jar etc.He tells her "it's not what you think" "what you saw wasn't really what was going on" and on and on and...
That is what western civilization is now doing to itself. We are allowing the enemy to set the defence, set the playing field. We don't dare call the enemy by name, we might offend their sensibilities. We must believe the lies our leaders have fed us for 3 decades now, how our enemy really is "peaceful" and if "we only understood". I t appears it is always incumbent on US to conform to their ways.
We have the answer right in front of our face. Yet because of our "Western" tolerance and plurality we have to accept another culture/ idealogy or appear "intolerant", "racist", "hateful", "xenophobic" even if they openly hate us and tell us eventually we will either bow down to them or "die". We would let ourselves, our children and culture perish over some other cultures perceived sensibilities rather then admit, let alone even dare insinuate , that these peoples ideology is 100% contrary to that of a free societies and thus incompatible with our culture.
Wake up America, Wake up Mr President, Wake up Congress. They are here, in some very important places. Either wake up and smell the coffee or you will wake up to the smell of burned toast!

Friday, February 5, 2010

What is This Going to Cost?

Yes, what is this going to cost? No not the National Health Care Bill ( Universal Health Care), our leader said today that it might die in Congress. Look, first of all it is unconstitutional to force the American people purchase anything from the government under penalty of fine. For that matter income tax is illegal ( Supreme court. 1895), but the legality or constitutionality of things has never been a problem for our government. And our current government is as dishonest and unethical as any.
No it is not the economy, although we are going to pay through the nose for a long time for this "downturn". It is pitiful that our leader can only whine about the"previous administration". You wanted the job , you got the job, the money, the endorsements, the status and fame now do the job, LEAD. STOP WHINING.
No the biggest cost we are going to pay is for the pandering and slandering of this nation abroad by our leader.. The absolute let down in vigilance and sanity in identifying our enemy. When he went to Cairo and threw the United States under the bus and honored islam with lies and encouragement, maybe he thought that he could "appease evil" with his charm and character. Guess what, total failure. Since the apology tour we have had at least one honor killing in Arizona. 13 American soldiers murdered by an islamist who reaped the benefits of United States, swore to the protect this nation and killed people he should have been protecting, a medical officer no less. An attempted airliner bombing, passengers save the day and are treated to the "alleged" terrorist, oops, I mean common criminal, being read his Miranda rights. A soldier murdered in Arkansas by a muslim performing jihad. Yet we are continually treated to "lets not jump to conclusions", "the alleged terrorist" when in fact the truth stares us in the face, yet we defer to our leader, an apologist.
With the Fort Hood "alleged" terrorist attack an 86 page investigational report was generated, not once will you find the word(s), muslim, islam, islamist, jihad. How could this be possible? Are our military leaders as delusional about islam as our leader? I am afraid they must be. How about giving a foreign combatant full rights reserved for a citizen. In WWII when German infiltrators and saboteurs (enemy combatants) were captured, they were interrogated, tried by a MILITARY TRIBUNAL and executed. Our leader was so invisible after the underpants bomber attempted to kill all of those Americans over Detroit, as though it were no big deal, don't panic America, get used to it. Take note Leader man, in 1683 when the islamic caliphate was about to capture Wien (Vienna) and rape Europe a few brave men stemmed the evil horde and then chased them from all their lands. As they went along many people who had been forced to convert to islam now were given two choices, convert back to Christianity or Judaism or leave the land. You see , these leaders knew what it meant to have cancer in the body, one muslim is one cancer cell.
The bottom line truth is if our leader and his administration continue to deny who the enemy really is, more people will die on U.S soil. Unless our leader takes serious his job to protect this nation, the next three years could be very deadly for many people.