So here we go again. If you don’t agree with gay marriage you are mean spirited, a hater, how dare you disagree. I am always amazed at how self absorbed groups of people have the audacity to try and make other people feel guilty about their own beliefs because they will not agree with said group of people. Gays and lesbians are not a large demographic, in fact, if this were the intolerant society they love to scream about, same sex marriage would not make it to the light of day as a discussion. Yet here we are again, the gay and lesbian lobby are again flying in the face of the will of the people( 61% of the people voted against same sex marriage in California, that is called a fact, polls that suggest the people have changed their mind a few years down the road are notions and nothing else ), they will utilize every tool in order to get their own way, every sad little play on words to defeat the spirit of the law. Nice people.
I am also floored by how this same group of people can insult and then demand. How can anybody with half a brain say that because you do not agree with me you must hate me. Anybody remember high school? The fact that this is the ONLY argument gays and lesbians end up falling back on speaks for itself. You cannot argue that being gay/lesbian is normal, in terms of nature, they are a dead end. They do not reproduce. Lets face it folks, if you had to tie something down and it required fasteners, what would a bag of nuts without bolts be other then useless. I realize we are talking about people, people who deserve deference and understanding, who have probably had a difficult path in life. Put yourselves in their shoes for a day and you will probably have only a fraction of understanding of what they have lived through every day of their life. Yet these very same people, who deserve to be treated with dignity, don’t seem to understand that I, as much as they, have a right to my feelings. I hate the sin, not the sinner. Is it wrong for me to believe that homosexuality is not normal? No. Is it wrong for me to teach my young children, family and friends that homosexuality is wrong? No. I, as much as any gay or lesbian, am entitled to my thoughts and beliefs. I am also entitled to express my beliefs, as they are, if you are offended I am open to discussion, I am also big enough to admit a mistake. I do NOT teach hatred of anyone. Is it wrong for me to ask the question " Why , particularly marriage?" Yes, my gay brothers and lesbian sisters, why particularly marriage? Is this a payback for all the years of oppression by a) the church b) religion in general c) society d) the good ole boys or e)_______________( fill in grievance). Or is it truly love, but if it were love, would this all be necessary? Is it to prove that you are normal? If yes, read this paragraph again. If no, well, what then. You are healthy, happy and free, God loves you and will forgive your sin, if you want, you live in the land of freedom. A healthy minded individual or group use their time and energy to make life better for all in their community, they don’t use the communities assets to get their way.
If the gays and lesbians believe in their plight and the plight of those like them, why don’t they engage the people who don’t believe they have a right to exist. Instead of pounding America for more rights than the average citizen, why don’t they speak up against those who ACTUALLY hate gays, they prove it over and over again by HANGING them. You never hear as much as a peep from the gay/lesbian groups who fight to put their marriage on the forefront. I guess they want to be a squeaky wheel , but they really don’t want to have to really fight for their beliefs. They pick a soft target, their own people in their own country, instead of standing up to real hatred. This is political pandering and the politicians and lawyers driving this have very little vision and are not concerned about the community or country they live in. So , what is this? This is forcing people to have to recognize something that 1) is none of their business 2) shouldn’t be of anyones interest what sexuality someone is unless that someone is harming another 3) As hard as this may be to believe to gays and lesbians, as repulsive as heterosexuality is to some homosexuals, homosexuality is just as repulsive to some heterosexuals . Maybe some people would rather not have to confront things that make them uncomfortable. It’s a human thing, no harm meant by most and we all know there are bad apples in all groups. So again I ask , what is this?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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