Saturday, March 17, 2007

A call to contact MSNBC! Got questions?!

This is a chance for all to watch an individual evade the truth at every turn, if you have a legitimate question for this representative of CAIR, I suggest you follow the instructions below from the American Congress for Truth!

Action Alert: Contact MSNBC

Action Alert
This Sunday, March 18th on "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert, Congressman Joe Sestak (D. -7th Dist. PA) who will appear at an April 7th Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser in his Delaware County district outside Philadelphia, will be appearing.
Please go to the Meet The Press website, , scroll down the center/left column (the first box is "NBC video," the next is "Russert on Politics") to the third box, scroll down to the bottom option which invites you to SUBMIT A QUESTION FOR A GUEST. Request that Sestak be asked why he insists on appearing at a CAIR fundraiser, despite its well-known connections to terrorist groups (Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation, the fact that at least five of CAIR's employees and board members have been arrested, convicted, deported, or otherwise linked to terrorism-related charges and activities etc.) This is not only a Jewish issue - CAIR's connections to terrorism endanger all of us.
Be as specific as possible, and try to dispel one or two of his lame excuses, i.e. He is going there to speak to his Muslim constituents; he is going to tell the CAIR audience that Israel is a staunch ally; that 250 of his constituents are going to be there; that if CAIR were a terrorist organization the US would have shut it down as it did to the Holy Land Foundation (which provided CAIR with seed $, and for which CAIR raised money POST 9/11!); that he employs a former CAIR employee because, despite interviewing her 3 times ,he didn't realize she had worked for CAIR and now...well, she's only 23 and he "loves [his] employees."
Lawyer wants Sestak to end ties with CAIR
A Democratic lawyer is ratcheting up the pressure on U.S. Rep. Joseph Sestak and trying to build Jewish opposition to his planned attendance of an upcoming Council on Islamic-American Relations banquet and the hiring of a former CAIR staffer. Robert Lipshutz, a former Philadelphia assistant district attorney, distributed a letter Tuesday to Delaware County rabbis, calling on Sestak to cancel the April 7 speaking engagement in Philadelphia and fire his district outreach coordinator, Adeeba Al-Zaman.
With 32 chapters, CAIR describes itself as the nation's largest Muslim advocacy group. It devotes much of its resources to anti-defamation work and educational activities, but has also been flagged by prominent Democrats -- including Sens. Barbara Boxer and Charles Schumer -- for having ties to terrorist organizations.After facing some pointed questions Sunday at the B'nai Aaron Synagogue in Haverford, Sestak said Tuesday he stands by his decision to speak at the event and hire Al-Zaman to coordinate outreach activities in his district."It even says in the Torah, understand the other side before you make a judgment. Once you make your judgment, you should speak the truth. And the truth here -- and I looked into CAIR during the campaign -- is that they do some good," said Sestak, D-7, of Edgmont."But that isn't enough. They must condemn terrorism -- by name, the perpetrators -- and disassociate themselves from those who have murky ties or have been indicted."Sestak, who considers himself "a friend of Israel," said he would incorporate that message into his speech at the Hilton Philadelphia. Approximately 250 of the congressman's Muslim constituents are expected to attend the CAIR event.Lipshutz, 59, a Montgomery County Democrat who said he voted for congressional candidate Lois Murphy, isn't satisfied."You always have to be able to take in information to see if maybe you have to make a mid-course adjustment," said Lipshutz, who wants Sestak to cut all ties with CAIR and fire Al-Zaman.In his letter to Sestak, which was sent Tuesday to local rabbis, Lipshutz wrote: "I believe you are so sure of both your own goodness and of your judgment about this young woman that you failed to consider not only that your judgment may have been wrong, but also in the impact your decisions have made and will continue to make on others."The convictions of two former CAIR members on charges of supporting terrorist operations and engaging in financial transactions with Hamas was reportedly a factor in Boxer's decision to rescind an award to the head of CAIR's Sacramento office.Schumer, D-N.Y., said during a 2003 Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism hearing that CAIR has "ties to terrorism" and "intimate links with Hamas."The group's government affairs director, Corey Saylor, told the Daily Times this month that CAIR condemns "any act of terrorism, whoever commits it." He said individuals indicted or convicted for supporting terrorists were not acting on behalf of the organization.In the wake of negative news coverage, CAIR's Pennsylvania chapter has altered its Web site at least twice.The invitation for next month's "Connecting and Sharing" event was separated into a banquet with Sestak's name on it and a fund-raiser without his name. Sestak will not be participating in the fundraiser.The online biography for Al-Zaman, a stepdaughter of a CAIR board member, has also been scrubbed of any reference to her job with the congressman. Sestak said Tuesday he did not request the phrase be removed."I did not know it was on. I did not know it had been taken off," he said.Of Al-Zaman, Sestak said, "I cannot speak highly enough of her."
©DelcoTimes 2007
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