Thursday, March 21, 2013

Its Here, Its Time, now

So I have not posted in three years, I have not done a broadcast of the "Elephant in the Room", not consistently anyway, in a year. As far as this blog goes it was super-ceded by the blog talk radio show. Then in 2012 we moved and I had to adapt to a new job and enviroment blah blah blah. So everything got super-ceded by life, also I was beginning to lose hope in the United States of America, then with Obama re-elected, an all time historical low for this nation, I was crushed. I became a US citizen in part to vote this man out of office. He has put the nation on course for disaster and put the security of the nation at risk. I really began to think the "progressives" had managed brainwash all the young people of the nation. Then I caught exerts from Rand Pauls 13 hour filibuster, I now know there is still hope. It did not have much to do with the content necessarily, although the content that I caught was relative. It was more the idea of an American exerting his individual right to address the Congress and The United States of America. He held up the vote and that was the point, and his right. To see John McCain and Lindsey Graham try to chastise a representative exercising his right instead of encouraging more of this, not for 13 hours obviously, but for these long standing representatives to want to discourage open debate or concern over serious matters of state is sad. McCain at one time was considered a maverick himself, what has he gotten caught up in to change him? Anyway enough about where I have been and forward straight and full speed ahead. Sooo...
 Lets just take a quick fact check of what has happened just over the past 4 years under Obama                                
  •  Sustained 7.7% or higher unemployment
  •  Higher taxes
  •  Weaker military 
  •  Arizona and Oklahoma were sued by our government
  •  $4.00 a gallon gas, remember back in 2008 when a gallon cost $1.87 a gallon
  •  A weakened world standing.
  •   Putting terrorists on trial on US soil with all the legal rights of an American citizen
  •   Lip service to any kind of immigration reform.  
  •   Hey stocks are higher than ever! Great, right?!  No, we are creating a bubble by printing more money, those stock numbers are backed by.... nothing.
  •   We have had terrorist attacks, honor killings and attempted attacks, one by a man in uniform, Major Nidal Hassan.
  •   We have had our first ambassador murdered in decades due to gross incompetence
  •   The federal deficit from 10 trillion dollars to 17 trillion dollars
  •  Our government furnishing weapons to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious 
  • ...and a partridge in a pear tree!         
    So to say the last 4 years have not been stellar is an understatement. What do we have to look forward to? Much of the same.  Obama wanted $600 billion in tax increases after the election and got it, then promptly demanded $600 billion more. This administration and taxes are synonymous. He tells the nation he wants to raise the taxes on the rich only, like that would have any effect on the budget to begin with and then raises everyones taxes. I really want to meet some of the people who really couldn't see this coming, I dont know what type of debate or conversation I could have with them with my lower jaw on the floor, but I would like to see what gullible looks like in person.
 Lets just look at the Benghazi attack back on September 11th. First off, who could have possibly thought islamists would attack us on 9/11, really. And in Benghazi of all places, one of the safest places on....what you say, a hot bed for islamist extremist, our government would have known that, right? Right?  Ok I ll stop. We know that it was an islamist extremist group attack, a sustained attack, over 8 hours. We know intelligence knew that it was a terrorist attack relatively quickly that it was not a mob of muslims mad about a video about muhammad. The entire nation knew by mid-week, the only ones who kept pushing the video mob scenario was the administration, poor Susan Rice, right. Anyway moving forward in time, 6 months after the attack the administration has yet to provide a reasonable explanation for what happened or why they chose to deceive the American people for so long. There are survivors who need to be debriefed so we can get all the facts available to prevent another such attack. They could be debriefed by Congress as John/Jane Doe if there are security issues. Americans want and deserve answers, throwing buckets of dung on the windshield is not transparent. When will this administration actually become transparent, I mean we are just a touch past 2009.
  So I will do here in writing what I do on the show with my co-host Audio Mike, point out the obvious, especially when it has to do with national security.  Progressives, islam, Obama, all subject to scrutiny, inspection and debate. Beware, judgement used here, God gave it to me to use and I do.

   So I will say ciao for now!