Friday, February 5, 2010

What is This Going to Cost?

Yes, what is this going to cost? No not the National Health Care Bill ( Universal Health Care), our leader said today that it might die in Congress. Look, first of all it is unconstitutional to force the American people purchase anything from the government under penalty of fine. For that matter income tax is illegal ( Supreme court. 1895), but the legality or constitutionality of things has never been a problem for our government. And our current government is as dishonest and unethical as any.
No it is not the economy, although we are going to pay through the nose for a long time for this "downturn". It is pitiful that our leader can only whine about the"previous administration". You wanted the job , you got the job, the money, the endorsements, the status and fame now do the job, LEAD. STOP WHINING.
No the biggest cost we are going to pay is for the pandering and slandering of this nation abroad by our leader.. The absolute let down in vigilance and sanity in identifying our enemy. When he went to Cairo and threw the United States under the bus and honored islam with lies and encouragement, maybe he thought that he could "appease evil" with his charm and character. Guess what, total failure. Since the apology tour we have had at least one honor killing in Arizona. 13 American soldiers murdered by an islamist who reaped the benefits of United States, swore to the protect this nation and killed people he should have been protecting, a medical officer no less. An attempted airliner bombing, passengers save the day and are treated to the "alleged" terrorist, oops, I mean common criminal, being read his Miranda rights. A soldier murdered in Arkansas by a muslim performing jihad. Yet we are continually treated to "lets not jump to conclusions", "the alleged terrorist" when in fact the truth stares us in the face, yet we defer to our leader, an apologist.
With the Fort Hood "alleged" terrorist attack an 86 page investigational report was generated, not once will you find the word(s), muslim, islam, islamist, jihad. How could this be possible? Are our military leaders as delusional about islam as our leader? I am afraid they must be. How about giving a foreign combatant full rights reserved for a citizen. In WWII when German infiltrators and saboteurs (enemy combatants) were captured, they were interrogated, tried by a MILITARY TRIBUNAL and executed. Our leader was so invisible after the underpants bomber attempted to kill all of those Americans over Detroit, as though it were no big deal, don't panic America, get used to it. Take note Leader man, in 1683 when the islamic caliphate was about to capture Wien (Vienna) and rape Europe a few brave men stemmed the evil horde and then chased them from all their lands. As they went along many people who had been forced to convert to islam now were given two choices, convert back to Christianity or Judaism or leave the land. You see , these leaders knew what it meant to have cancer in the body, one muslim is one cancer cell.
The bottom line truth is if our leader and his administration continue to deny who the enemy really is, more people will die on U.S soil. Unless our leader takes serious his job to protect this nation, the next three years could be very deadly for many people.