Thursday, June 21, 2007


I listen to these people every day, not really by choice, they took over my favorite station and my work place has a ton of RF interference( I can only pick up one station, NPR). Yesterday June 20th these people gave CAIR air time. Hard to believe, but true. CAIR is an unindicted co conspirator in some Hamas and terrorist fund raising. They also play up their own importance as a muslim American relations organization ( hence the name Council for American Islamic Relations) in fact, they are a lobbying group for Saudi Arabian Wahhabi Sect Islam, the ones that want all infidels dead , converted or paying the non muslim tax( jizyah)

Now I admit it was a short amount of time they gave them in a news article, but to give this hate mongering group any time is a joke. The story seemed harmless, it was that the central valley had a reduction in hate crimes against muslims. Right. I wonder if the hate crimes their brethren overseas and here are committing in the name of their "black rock" registers with them? Rhetorical question, of course they don't care about the hate crimes their people commit against Christians, Jewish, Hindu , Buddhists etc. If muslims attack anyone it must be because they are infidels, or they are infidels who have attacked muslim sensibilties( muslim sensibilities, hmmm, kind of reeks of military intelligence). Look, when you can justify MURDER as a religious act you prove you do NOT know God ( Yahweh), when you oppress people, when you maim people, when you openly discriminate based on nothing, when you terrorize people, then you are the enemy of GOOD and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Sadly, just like the uneducated people at the Sacramento Bee who bestow legitimacy to these hate peddlers, NPR does not do its' homework either. Of course I could be wrong, maybe they know exactly what they are doing, maybe this is part of their aganda. I have heard NPR espouse how good it was for African Americans to join Islam( May ,2007, news and notes), there is no way they have read what the quran says, if any African American had really read what that book says about them( along with the sunna,hadith etc, books required to make sense of a book that makes no sense) they would not join, unless they are hatemongers and hate themselves. Again with the "religion of peace, a noble religion " blah blah blah, are you kidding, I heard muslims call in from here in the US stating that they would never advocate violence, unless of course someone insults their religion or prophet. NPR actually plays this kind of stuff. If it is a "publicly funded station" I would recommend they use the publics money a little more wisely. Look,I have listened to gas bags like Limbaugh from the right, there is no difference between NPR and neo-con dimbulbs, just like there is no difference between politicians, clergy etc. They have an agenda and will say whatever they see as necessary to further it. The sad thing is Limbaugh funds himself, so he should be able to speak from his perspective. NPR is funded by the public and GOVERNMENT GRANTS, they should be showing things from ALL perspectives, not just those who send the most money. I will admit, NPR had on a gentleman recently who spoke the truth about islam, but he was very very careful choosing what he said, but the balance is skewed. NPR should be more thoughtful when giving people who support murder airtime, regardless of how innocent the story may be.

Just for the record , here are some very racist sayings from islams "holy books"

"I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!' He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks.... Allah sent down concerning him: ‘To those who annoy the Prophet there is a painful doom." [9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, ‘If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'"
"A rock was put on a slave's chest. When Abu Bakr complained, they said, ‘You are the one who corrupted him, so save him from his plight.' I will do so,' said Bakr. ‘I have a black slave, tougher and stronger than Bilal, who is a heathen. I will exchange him. The transaction was carried out."
Tabari II:11
"Shem, the son of Noah was the father of the Arabs, the Persians, and the Greeks; Ham was the father of the Black Africans; and Japheth was the father of the Turks and of Gog and Magog who were cousins of the Turks. Noah prayed that the prophets and apostles would be descended from Shem and kings would be from Japheth. He prayed that the African's color would change so that their descendants would be slaves to the Arabs and Turks."
Tabari II:21
"Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem's, the latter would enslave them."
Bukhari: V9B89N256
"Allah's Apostle said, ‘You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.'"
"It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah's army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent.
"The black troops and slaves of the Meccans cried out and the Muslims replied, ‘Allah destroy your sight, you impious rascals.'"
"The Prophet said, ‘Let the negro slave of Dinar perish. And if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.... If he [the black slave] asks for anything it shall not be granted, and if he needs intercession [to get into paradise], his intercession will be denied.'"

WAKE UP NPR RADIO, you are acting like a tool!

First Eurabia, Next Amerabia

This is story out of Paris France is hard to believe, even for France. Read this and keep your "powder dry" as one of the commenters wrote. The fact that the PC culture sees this and says nothing should give away their agenda. THE GENTILE
From "ONE NEWS NOW" this story....

After a long struggle against Islamic intimidation, an evangelical church in the outskirts of Paris has been forced to vacate the 1,000-square-foot facility where it had been meeting.

The Temple de Paris Church has been located in the Paris suburb of Bagnolet. Christine Thabot, the wife of the pastor, says Muslims have been trying to get rid of them since 2005, but local authorities had permitted the church to remain in the facility, paying 8,000 euros a month (~ $9,400 U.S.) in rent.
According to Thabot, the Muslims changed their strategy. "They attacked our owner this time," she explains. "They took up the case and [told him he was] not allowed to have this church open -- and on Friday we [were told] that we had to get out of our premises."
Thabot says Temple de Paris Church has been unable to secure another worship center. "For an evangelical or Protestant church, it is almost next to impossible to buy or to rent any premises," she says. "As soon as they find out you are a church, there is nothing open to us."
Thabot says many churches in the area have been closed and have had similar difficulties in securing new facilities. But she claims Muslims can secure property for building a mosque simply by paying one euro to the authorities.

My guess is CAIR is loving this and trying to formulate a template to repeat this in the US, remember they have openly stated they are not here to be equals or to assimilate, they are here to take over. THE GENTILE

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


A couple of goodys for the "you have got to be kidding" segment of our lives.

1. Jimmuh Carter says we should negotiate with hamas. Dear Jimmuh, obviously you have lost your mind or are you an anti-semite, maybe CAIR is in your pocket, or maybe it is Saudi money( is there a difference? you know CAIR, Saudi). It is truly disappointing to see someone turn on Israel as you have. Maybe we should send hamas weapons, oh thats right, they are already bragging that they have the weapons we sent fatah earlier this year. Maybe money, oh yea they are already bragging about getting the money we send for aid. Jimmuh, here is some news for you, the real Palestinians died out a long time ago( check your history), the people claiming to be Palestinians are actually Arabs from all over the Arab world. Their leaders, as well as you yourself, claim the oppression comes from Israel and the U.S and the west in general. This just in, the leaders of the Arab( including all the lying imams) world live in luxury, are wont of nothing other than maintaining their wealth and wealthy lifestyle and power, enslaving and oppressing their own people, and when the people pipe up what do their leaders tell them "it's Israel that is doing this to you" "it's the U.S that is doing this to you" it's the infidels that are doing this to you". Hamas are terrorists, you don't "negotiate "with terrorists, you kill them. Hamas murders innocent civilians, CIVILIANS Jimmuh, non combatants, mothers , sisters children. They justify this by A) All infidels are combatants B) refer to A. Again Jimmuh, you have apparently been bought, too bad.
2. Ahmed Yousef, assistant to the hamas prime minister, also says hamas is a resistance movement in a WAPO editorial( whats up with the Washington Post?), he states that hamas has never attacked anyone outside the theater of occupation, he states all they want is what is what all western countries have, freedom , self determination etc. etc. Look Ahmed, your theology does not allow for "western ideals", of course you know that, you are just hoping that by getting some space in the Washingtonistan Post people will see you as legitimate in some fashion. Only people who have not educated themselves on your ilk would fall for you attempt at legitimacy. You and your fellow hamas cohorts are liars, murderers, terroists, evil etc. etc. plain and simple. I could fertilize 10,000 acres with what you and your fellow fidels spew forth. To anyone interested in reading this idiots tripe, it is in the WAPO, read it and puke. That this murderous pile of protoplasm was able to get an editorial in this country amounts to treason, shame on any paper carrying these lies, you legitimize evil.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Tolerance. The word that the politically correct wield at all in order to drive their agenda. "What agenda is that Gentilesven?" you ask. Control, power, wealth, with an emphasis on CONTROL. In order for you not to be judged intolerant you must tolerate everything. Do not dare to speak the truth, you intolerant neanderthal. You must tolerate murder in the name of religion, you must tolerate reverse discrimination, you must tolerate child molesters, you must tolerate rapists, you must tolerate people who hate you based on(fill in the blank), you must tolerate whatever the government decides to force upon you, and don't you dare speak out in your own behalf. That means if they want to take your money and spend it on illegal immigrants or on an illegal war or on their yacht or pay for sex with an under aged page then you just shut up, they know what's good for you better than you do.
You must tolerate the term intolerant racist if you speak out about the evils of islam, amazing, I didn't know islam was a race. You must tolerate being called a hater if you describe someone by color( unless they are white, of course), even if it is required. You must tolerate being called a "breeder" if you are not a homosexual, heaven forbid what would happen if you actually opened your mouth and had an opinion about what was said about you. You must tolerate having money taken away from you in order to give an illegal immigrant health care, education, food, shelter, a car, a home and some extra money to send back to their nation of origin( or if your muslim you send it to your imam in Pakistan so he can give the money to a terrorist group to kill you) I could go on and on about what the PC want you to tolerate.
Sadly, many people are pushed into silence for fear of being labeled intolerant. What happens when people are silent? Study Germany between 1933 and 1945. Oh that could never happen here. Right. Wrong.
The agenda is set. Allow illegals into the country to shore up your voting block, tell them it is the racists who don't want them here. Kiss up to the (put your oppressed group here) because they can run to the ACLU( whom you need in your pocket to help steal the peoples rights) along with all the other down trodden groups(ethnic, religious, homosexuals etc.)
Just like too much of a good thing can be bad, too much tolerance leaves an imbalance. There is a reason for intolerance, just as there is a reason for tolerance. There are things that can and should be tolerated ands there are things that should not be tolerated. I have listed a miniscule list of things that the PC culture wants to force you to tolerate.
I think it is time for a little intolerance( not violence, intolerance, there is a difference although the PC would have you believe they are the same) Here is a list of things I cannot tolerate any longer: Fighting a war that was started based on lies, GWB lied, he knows it. Look it is very simple, if Iraq had weapons of mass destruction then why would you send 100,000 plus troops into an area where these weapons can be used on them, that would be immoral, and if they were not there it was a lie. Islam is a religion of peace, it is a noble religion. My ass, read their book(s), they teach their children murder and rape and pillaging is good. Illegal immigrants are not the problem. Really? Next time I am paying taxes I will send you the bill. If you want to support illegals take them into YOUR home and pay their way, if you are unwilling to do that then shut up, I did not ask them to come here and by definition they are ILLEGAL( next PC move will be to come up with a less "oppressive" term, illegal its so... so ... well , illegal). I can no longer tolerate a government that serves itself at the expense of the people. We have a president who could care less about what the people want, a congress that has nothing planned except to collect their pay and take extended time off, hell, they got elected, they don't need to do anything else. They want to shove crap down our throat while taking everything we work for to sustain their lifestyle( see the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Kerries, John Edwards, Dick Cheney, the Clintons etc. etc. ad nauseum) . I cannot tolerate the media, they lie and then they lie some more then they cover their lies with more lies( kind of like politicians) until there isn't even a trail of crumbs back to the truth. These arrogant people believe they can sway what happens in the world( and they actually do). When the media doesn't lie, it forces immorality onto the people under the guise of entertainment( sadly there is a market for hogwash). I cannot tolerate the racists who murder, you are entitled to your opinion, not someone elses life. I cannot tolerate the people who feel they are entitled based on race, religion, etc.( see islam) I cannot tolerate people who use the term "nigger". I have heard black people say "white people cannot use this word , it is our word"( see NPR radio June 2007) . Here is something you all need to know, it is NOT your word. It comes from the German word "negger" which means "negro", it was not and is not a derogatory term in German, the word was misunderstood by English speaking people who turned it into a word of ignorance. If you want this word , well you can have it. Why anyone would want to use a term of TOTAL IGNORANCE on themselves is sort of like me wanting to build a water treatment plant in my back yard to prevent my restroom from stinking after I have defecated. I cannot tolerate homosexuals telling me that homosexuality is natural, that it is good, that there is nothing wrong with it. I am tired of them screaming that they cannot tolerate people like me( heterosexual). Do what you want in the privacy of your home, I cannot see you there, so I don't care. When you go to the streets and try to shout down the truth it just shows how out of touch you really are. I cannot tolerate the anti-abortionists who try to "save " people from themselves and the unborn babies they carry, look, I understand what you are trying to accomplish, I don't believe in murdering babies. The truth is Yahweh has given us freedom, we can choose to do right or wrong, it is each INDIVIDUALS choice and we WILL pay for making the wrong choice.We also have a Savior. Yahweh sent Yahushua to save us from ourselves if we so choose, so how can any man stand in the way of the Savior and his relationship with any individual. When that individual stands in Judgement are you going to push the Messiah aside and say "I'll take over here Yahushua", my guess is that would be the fast track to the abyss. I cannot tolerate the clergy who have been lying to the masses. God has a name, Yahweh. He wants you to know it, he wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us. The clergy( all religions) would have you believe you have to go to church/synagogue/mosque in order to be with God, wrong. Yahweh hates religion, politics and the media because they all LIE. They have replaced Him, His Word and his feasts with false doctrines, false festivals and false names( there was no Jesus, the letter "J" was not concieved until the 15th century by anglo saxons, there is no Jehovah , lord presents its' own problems just by defintion, God does not want to be our "master", this is not even addressing the real name Lord Baal). I cannot tolerate the organizations that want to take my rights away while promoting evil. Organizations like the ACLU and CAIR and LA RAZA. These entities promote their own agenda and steal our rights at the same time. How can you have muslim prayers in schools when other religions are denied the same right. I guess if you get cash from the Saudis it goes a long way, ask CAIR. I guess CAIR is sharing the wealth with the ACLU. LA RAZA presents its own problems, they haven't figured out the war is over and they lost. I cannot tolerate the tolerance afforded to muslims when they themselves are the most intolerant and murderous group on the planet. Our government chastises Israel for defending itself and sends money to the idiots attacking them.
There is soooo much more to be intolerant of , this post will be continued at a later date!

Monday, June 18, 2007


"What is going on?" is what someone who had been watching us( the people in America) would say after a short while of watching. In 1993 New York City was attacked by jihadists, we did(practically) nothing. In 2001 New York City was attacked again and we lost our moral compass.

The truth of the matter is we were attacked by an ideology of hatred, an ideology that spells out their hatred in their "religious book(s)". This ideology was created in the 7th century for and by a man to justify his pursuit of wealth through violence. Anyone who stood in his way was murdered, whether it was an old man or a woman or a group of people. If he wanted something and someone said no, he would kill them and then follow up by making up a verse that his god said it was o.k for him and his to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. For 1300 years his followers have been murdering and plundering and subjugating people based on this fellows homemade god and his books( of course being illiterate he himself wrote nothing).

Back to our moral compass, when we were attacked in 2001 we had every right to attack the country that gave these terrorists a safe haven, Afghanistan. Our leaders should have done their due diligence on what drives islam. They did not. I believe even if they had we would still be in the mess we are in now in Iraq, because of the arrogance of our leaders. To spew forth that islam is a religion of peace or that it is a great and noble religion, or here is the best one, islams god is the same as Yahweh( the Creator from the Scriptures). George W. Bush must have a substance abuse problem to be able to vomit forth such sickness. He obviously never studied history, obviously he does NOT believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Of course coming from someone who serves "Skull and Bones"I guess it is not so surprising, allah, baal, satan, skull and bones etc. all the same , all evil.

George W.Bush tells us that we have to fight them over there or we will have to fight them here. Well Mr.President, they are here and we will be fighting them here because of your absolute ignorance and your overwhelming arrogance. Jorge Bush wants to leave the borders open, no don't protect the sovereignty of our nation, sell it to the highest bidder. Right now the highest bidders are, drumroll please, China and Saudi Arabia. And along with the poor people from Southern and Central America are nationals from our enemy( China, islam etc.). And though I do not begrudge anyone the chance to better themselves, all people crossing the border illegally should be sent back, period. Just so all understand, Jorge Bush is not backing the immigration bill because he is benevolent and wishes all to live the "American Dream", he is watching out for someones bottom line( and it isn't yours or mine). When GWB leaves office, he will have destroyed everything this country has ever stood for, not to blame him for all of the USAs woes over time, he had a lot of help from previous presidents, he is just a very big exclamation point that pushed it all over the top.
The arrogance exhibited by our so called "leaders" is beyond help. It is not limited to the president of the country, he just happens to be the one making the biggest mess right now. Living in California we have our own arrogant leaders. Take Fabian Nunez for instance, he is the speaker of the house in California. Last year he joined a large demonstration of illegal immigrants in Los Angeles, on television he tells the camera that "we are not the problem", meaning the illegal immigrants are not the problem. Think about that for a moment. This man was elected by the people of California( the LEGAL residents who pay taxes that pay his salary, which as of July this year is over $133,000 a year) to uphold the law of the land. So what does he do, he gets in the face of the people and tells them that ILLEGAL immigrants are not a problem. I guess rising health costs, welfare costs, crime are not a problem for Fabian, only for the people paying the higher costs ( you and me). My guess is he does not understand the definition of ILLEGAL. It would be very interesting to see how he would be greeted by people who are LEGALLY waiting to get into this country LEGALLY, how would they feel knowing they are being pushed to the back of the line so ILLEGALS can be here first. I guess cutting in line is how Fabian sees it and for him it appears to be no problem. Lets face it, he is pandering for votes, the more latinos in his district the better chance he has to make a carreer out of politics. He has an agenda. Shocking.
These are just two cases of arrogance in politics. The fact that politics is now a self serving industry is obvoius. They take money from productive citizens in order to "bribe" voting blocks while the poor are neglected. When I say neglected I mean the poor are used to make points during speeches in election times that sound benevolent, but as soon as the election is over, well lets just say the poor are kept in their place( the place designated by politicians). Politicians, academics, clergy, whatever you call your leaders, they are all the same. They know better. You, being a lowly common citizen, cannot know because their great intellect trumps anything you may know or feel.
These politicos are attempting ( and succeeding) at removing judgement from our lives, they say you cannot judge this or that because it is hatred or prejudice, it could not be that we have a conscience for a reason. If you attempt to point out something wrong you are "intolerant". How did these people become so lofty. Read what Yahweh had to say, he knew these people before they knew themselves. Read Hosea or Romans 1, just for starters. I would say to all, there is a provision in the constitution that allows the people to change their government, but why? To fill the government with a new group of immoral miscreants. Greed begets more greed and that is what leaders are all about, that is why they are where they are at.
And in closing, politicians, the clergy, business leaders etc. cannot do these things to the people without help. The biggest helper right now is the media. These arrogant people believe( rightly so) that they can sway the peoples opinion, and they do, through lies and misinformation. The media has an agenda also, they have leaders( owners) who accept money, need I say more? Lastly, we the people are to blame, that we allow these arrogant, greedy, grasping, covetous fools to continue their illness at our expense is our fault. Here comes the word for the next post, tolerance. If we tolerate sick and twisted minds to direct and lead and manage us, we are no better than they are. I believe it is time for a little intolerance!