Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is a weekly show on current topics relating to National leadership and National security. Join us every Thursday night at 8:00pm Pacific time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosque

Audio Mic and myself have been having a running discussion on this topic. My take on this is as I have stated on blogtalk radio, the mosque is a symbol of islamic victory over the USA. The Temple Mount has a the dome of the rock, the Cathederal Sophia in Turkey was changed to a mosque, the cathederal in Cordoba was changed to a mosque. There is a pattern here. When islam conquers, it destroys any legacy of the former peoples or their traditions.
If this is supposed to be a "bridge" to interfaith dialogue, it is a one way bridge to islam. Imam Rauf and his cohort wife, Daisy Khan, are very well versed in the islamic tradition of taquiya ( islamic sanctioned lying to forward islam)They throw out terms like "inter faith dialogue" and hope that no one takes a hard look. The imam states one thing to our leaders and then heads over seas and says the opposite.
The main street media is in collusion, not once did any media outlet make the ground zero mosque a story prior to all the permits and licenses being issued so the mosque could be built. NBC made it a story on the day of the vote of the "landmarks commission". Why? Ask Daisy Khan, she was "suprised at the controversy". Yes if Americans had been made aware of this at its inception, it would have received the same attention it is now getting and the project would never have made it to any permit or licensing boards, let alone the light of day. The main street media has been bought by Saudi Oil money. Now the media lies for islam, all the time. I believe this mosque will now be built, against American citizens will. Our leaders are gutless shills for islam. Buraq Obama wants this mosque built. If he did not it would not be built. Micheal Bloomberg wants it built. If he did not it would not be built. On and on, get it?
In closing I would like to say that in America, the US in particular, freedom of religion is a mainstay of freedom. Muslims who actually care about the US should be allowed to build a mosque, just like any other religion builds churches, temples etc. Having passed all legal hurdles the Cordoba House has every right to be built, even with people objecting to it. But, if this were really about interfaith dialogue, if it were about building bridges between faiths, if it really were about righting a wrong, these people would show the sensitivity it deserves and not build the mosque at this location, but islam is about conquest not dialogue and we are infidels( kuffars).

!!Blogtalk radio alert!!

This Thursday, July 29th at 8:00pm Audio Mic and myself will continue the discussion on freedom and how it is being usurped by foreign entities with the help of our useful idiots in the government. This week we will discuss some of the tactics being used to change the landscape of freedom, using freedom to destroy freedom. China uses money to lobby, islam uses money to buy people in order to implement their pathetic sharia. If this continues people who love freedom will be sorely disappointed. We will be discussing the use of religion and religious tolerance to kow tow down corporations, city , county and state governments into changing rules to favor one group over another. My take, if you come to this country it is upon you to assimilate, not for this nation to accommodate. If this does not work for you, go back to the country of origin and make that country live up to your expectations, otherwise get in, sit down, buckle up and shut up. Unless you are being openly and blatantly OPPRESSED you have nothing to complain about.

The Sovereignty of the USA

Well there you have it. Another judge has decided that the people don't know what they want. The Arizona law that was to keep illegal immigrants at bay was so watered down by the judge as to be basically useless. I am sure Obama did a slam dunk in the oval office. Our leaders are more worried about offending foreign entities then the people who elect them. I am an immigrant( legal), I am required to carry my "alien card" at all times and must be ready to present it upon request of law enforcement. If only I were illegal, I wouldn't be burdened with the technicalities of the law of the land. How is it that the non leaders of this nation can condemn a state for wanting sovereignty of its' borders and treat illegal aliens ( note the word ILLEGAL)as though they are American heros(see Nancy Pelosi). Our borders are being breeched every day by non United States citizens. The argument is always "these are poor people looking for a better way of life". First, not everyone crossing illegally is looking for a better way of life, many are from nations hostile to the US and freedom. Second, how do you explain to the immigrant who did everything by the book, waited his or her turn in line, that the way they came to this country was really nice, but not a requirement. What do you tell the legal immigrant looking for a better life that his job is gone, but illegals are still employed within the borders of this nation. We have sick , delusional leaders who couldn't care less about their constituents. They bend over backwards for illegals, they kow tow down to our enemies while arrogantly setting aside the desire of their own constituents. The best thing the citizens of this country could do is get in their trucks with pitchforks and torches, drive to Washington D.C and get the idiots running this nation in a line, tar and feather them and then put them on a garbage barge and set them adrift. My only regret would be for the garbage, having to put up with these chuckleheads.